A capsule-type coffee machine

A capsule-type coffee machine is a type of coffee machine in which ground coffee is used in hermetic capsules. Due to its compactness and ease of operation, capsule machines are convenient to use both in the office and at home.

Principle of operation of capsule coffee machine

Sometimes potential buyers doubt whether it is worth buying the necessary device for only one reason: they do not know how to use a capsule coffee machine. In fact, it's very easy to make a fragrant drink with the device: a capsule with a ready-made coffee mixture is placed in the opening, the coffee machine opens the foil membrane that closes the capsule, and brews the coffee according to the established recipe.

What is the difference between a capsule coffee machine?

When making a choice when choosing which device is preferable: a capsule or a conventional coffee machine, it should be borne in mind that capsule devices make different kinds of coffee and even hot chocolate if appropriate capsules are purchased. In addition, the product in capsules is of high quality, unlike loose coffee, which is often added preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc.

Types of capsule machines

On process automation

In some models of coffee machines capsules are laid manually, in others - automatically. Used capsules are also either automatically removed to a special tank, or taken away manually.

On the universality of the use of capsules

Individual models of coffee machines work on capsules of a certain manufacturer, while others use capsules from several manufacturers at the same time. There are models that can work on both capsules and traditional hammer coffee. Fans of cappuccino coffee, as well as owners of coffee bars, can choose a modification of a capsule coffee machine with a cappuccino - a special nozzle that takes milk out of the container, foaming it and adding it to the cup with a drink.


The choice of a capsule coffee machine for a home is best done from compact devices with low productivity. The office should choose a powerful unit with the ability to prepare a large quantity of drink for all employees.

How to choose a capsule coffee machine?

Deciding for yourself which capsule coffee machine is best, it is worth considering the following specifications:

Cleaning the capsule coffee machine

Care of the device is to keep the surfaces, tanks and units of the unit clean. The cleaning algorithm is as follows:

In addition, it is recommended periodically (at least once every 3 to 4 months) to clean with special means in accordance with the instructions given in the instructions. Do not use ordinary cleaners!

The maintenance of a capsule coffee machine in the cleanliness for a long time prolongs its service life.