How many days after conception does he begin to feel sick?

If you are planning a child, then probably with hope listen to any changes in your body: whether there is toxicosis, dizziness, fatigue, whether taste preferences have changed, whether you become more sensitive to smells, etc. But in fact, these signs of pregnancy are not found in all future mothers. Everything is very individual.

In the article we will discuss the most common symptom of pregnancy - toxicosis and find out when it begins to feel sick after conception of the child.

Toxicosis often appears in early and late pregnancy. But for some women, the entire gestation period may be accompanied by nausea. And yet, after how long does it begin to get sick after conception? More often unpleasant signs of fertilization begin 6-7 weeks after conception and end at 12-13 weeks. This, the so-called early toxicosis.

Why does it make you sick?

The reasons are not known to the end. More often doctors explain toxicosis with hormonal changes. In the early term, the organism of the pregnant woman begins to produce a new hormone, without which it is impossible to tolerate a child - chorionic gonadotropin, and more simply - hCG. He can cause nausea. Causes may also be endocrine or neurologic disorders, a reaction to a sharp odor.

Answering the question, how much time after conception does he begin to feel sick? - we want to emphasize that much depends on the woman herself: how does it relate to her nutrition, emotional state, and even to pregnancy itself. The fact that the causes of toxicosis may be improper nutrition of the future mother, stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, as well as neglected genital and uterine inflammation.

But do not wait after the delay of the monthly wait for toxicosis, and generally do not think about it - it happens that it comes from self-hypnosis. There are women who do not feel any discomfort in the early stages. That's why the question is, when should I get sick after conception? - not correct.

So, we discussed, how many days after conception begins to feel sick, and found out that this sign of pregnancy is not found in all women.

We wish you safely endure a crumb and do not feel toxic.