Abutilone from seeds at home

Such a house flower, like abutilone , is also called a kanatik, Indian mallow. He is related to the garden favorite - rod-rose. It grows in South America, Australia. The plant liked the long flowering, beautiful, bell-like flowers.

Abutilone - seed propagation

Growing Abutilone from seeds is the right way. Although many experienced gardeners like to frighten the complexities, everything will turn out. You just need to know some features. A beautiful, large Abutilon will grow if the seeds are fresh. The longer they lie, the less useful. The best time to plant is spring.

Grown abutilone from seeds at home reaches up to one and a half meters. Plant, both seedlings, and adult plants need to loose soil, in which water will last a long time. In shops, they sell a ready-made version of the soil. But you can do it yourself. This will require an equal amount of leaf land, peat, river sand, perlite.

The mixture must be sieved to remove large particles. Before sowing, water it with a solution of potassium permanganate. So the soil is disinfected from fungi and microbes. Finished seeds will be dark in color. The integrity of the shell is also important. If it is broken, then nothing will grow from them. Before landing, the scarification, soaking is performed. Each seed slightly rubs fine emery paper. Then the seeds are laid on the cloth, which is covered with a tray. Grow a growth stimulant and impregnate them with the material.

Finished seeds are laid out evenly over the soil, sprinkling a little on top. Cover with a film and put in a warm place. To have emergence, waiting for three weeks.

If you have chosen as indoor flower abutilone, growing from seeds at home will be the best way to get it. You choose the sort that you like best, and the plant will be more hardy.