Fertilizer from grass

Every year, you are sure to mow the grass on your site, and then burn it. This is already something like an established custom, a binding business that you are used to doing. But the grass can be useful to you for a completely different, more useful thing - the grass can be used to fertilize the soil. The elements in it will help your plants to ramp up bright green and bring more fruits.

Let's look at this miracle cure - fertilizer from grass - in more detail.

How to make a fertilizer from grass?

The process of making fertilizer from grass is very simple and does not require any special effort from you.

  1. Mow grass, weeds, tops you put in a plastic container of more than 50 liters. The more grass you use, the more dense you will get fertilizer.
  2. The next step is to add a nitrogen source to your fertilizer from the mown grass. It can be manure (in the amount of 1-3 liters per barrel in 200 liters), a tablespoon of carbamide or a couple of caps of humic fertilizer.
  3. Then you have to fill the barrel with water to the brim and cover it with a lid or wrap it with polyethylene.
  4. The barrel is put in a sunny place, so that the fermentation process passes faster.

Usually the fermentation process takes one to two weeks. A hot summer all happens in a week, but in the fall or spring the process is slower.

When your liquid fertilizer from the grass comes to the ready, you will immediately feel it, because the infusion has a specific smell, its surface is bubbling, and the color becomes dirty-green, marshy.

Pros of fertilizer from grass

So, let's now understand what the benefits of fertilizer from grass and how it can help your garden-garden.

  1. Nitrogen, which is formed in fertilizer, is much more effective in the liquid state than in the form, say, of dry mulch. It is absorbed much faster.
  2. From the alkaline reaction in the soil, the acidity harmful to your plants is destroyed.
  3. The earth is saturated with useful microorganisms, which make it more fertile and protect against all pests.
  4. Also, a huge advantage of fertilizer from the grass is its disinfectant, that is, in a barrel with a wandering infusion, you can throw a sick tops, a fall and so on. This will allow you to get rid of the constant breeding of fires that are necessary to eliminate these wastes, respectively, this will save you valuable time.

Fertilizer storage from grass

It can be stored for about a month. Of course, fertilizer from green grass can be used for more than a month, but then such valuable live bacteria will no longer be present in it. Therefore, it is better to use it without regret, and then prepare a new one.

Proper use of herbal fertilizer

Fertilizer from grass is universal and suitable for all plants, which also makes it very convenient.

Before use, the fertilizer is diluted with water in proportions of approximately 1: 1.

The amount of fertilizing depends solely on the needs of the plant. The approximate average is 1-3 liters per bush. But all this you can calculate yourself, watching your plants. The main thing is not to overdo it, because an excess of herbal fertilizer, which is rich in nitrogen, can attract pests and provoke the appearance of diseases, and also cause too much growth of the tops, which is not desirable.

To use herb infusion as fertilizer is true happiness, since this will save you from having to use other mineral fertilizers, besides, natural fertilizer is always much better absorbed and better influences plants. Fertilizer from grass will become the best friend to you and your garden.

Also do not forget about other natural fertilizers, which are always at hand: ash , eggshell , onion husks.