Always hungry for reasons

Nutrition is necessary for a person in order to maintain life and activity. However, the use of excessive amounts of food not only does not lead to health, but also worsens it. If a person constantly wants to eat, it is necessary to determine the reasons for this and on their basis make a plan for further action.

The reasons why you always want to eat

Permanent hunger can have physiological causes:

  1. Hypoglycemia . In this disease, a person has a low level of sugar in the blood . In addition to hunger, hypoglycemia is manifested by fatigue, headache, sweating, tremor. Hypoglycemia occurs as a result of abnormal liver function.
  2. Diabetes . With diabetes, cells do not get enough glucose, so the brain sends signals about the need to eat. With constant monitoring of insulin levels, it is possible to reduce the feeling of hunger.
  3. Premenstrual syndrome . The feeling of hunger is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome. Such phenomena are associated with the fluctuation of the hormonal background and take place in the first days after the onset of menstruation.
  4. Drug use. Some drugs, especially antidepressants, can cause a feeling of hunger. If the feeling of hunger becomes painful, you should consult a doctor.
  5. Anemia, vitamin deficiency, lack of important minerals. Unbalanced food and meager food and vitamins and minerals can lead to a painful sense of hunger. Get rid of this feeling can be by adding to the diet of enriched with minerals and vitamins products.
  6. Problems in the work of the endocrine system.

But besides physiological reasons, there is a psychological cause for constant hunger. Often the appetite rises in the presence of chronic stress . Many people in situations of anxiety and anxiety are drawn to food in order to get pleasure and improve their mood. It is interesting that with short-term stress, a person's appetite disappears. However, if stress is repeated often, then the hormone cortisol begins to develop, which increases appetite.

How to lose weight, if you constantly want to eat?

The constant desire to eat is not the norm. Often it is due to improper eating habits. In this case, nutritionists recommend setting a schedule of meals and increasing the intake of clean water.

Those who constantly want to eat at night need to revise their diet. It is likely that the body received less during the day of the necessary substances. Food should be saturated with useful substances. To not starve at night, you can drink before a glass of low-fat kefir.