How to care for the primula - the features of proper growing and care

Studying the question of how to care for the primula, will interest the lovers of the earliest flowers, which can blossom already at the end of a cold winter, when the streets are still covered with ice and snow. This miniature, lively and vibrant plant does not fade for a long time, it can successfully replace an expensive bouquet on Valentine's Day or on March 8.

Primula primrose - cultivation and care

The primula is brought to Europe from distant Tibet and Western China, from the numerous and diverse 550 species of flower in our climate grows no more than 30. Many varieties are decorative annuals and are not suitable for indoor growing. It is desirable to know exactly what you are buying primrose in a pot, how to care for it and multiply home conditions.

The main types of decorative primrose:

  1. Stemless or ordinary primrose is an ornamental perennial with wrinkled leaves growing directly from the ground and large flowers predominantly blue, red or yellow.
  2. Soft-leaved primrose - a popular annual up to 50 cm tall, blooms in the second half of winter.
  3. Reverse-conical primula - grown in the form of biennials, has several varieties, leaves are rounded. Flower lovers need to know that with the back-line primrose should behave carefully, some of its varieties can cause allergies.
  4. Chinese primrose - a flower with jagged wavy leaves, up to 30 cm high, to stimulate an annual flowering, it requires an obligatory period of rest.
  5. Kiu primrose - on its heart-shaped leaves there is a white coating, the flowers are small, up to 2 cm in size, with a pleasant aroma.

Primrose - home care after purchase

Elegant flowering plants in small cups are now universally used in the form of long-lasting bouquets that can survive for several weeks in room conditions. After being tempted by the acquisition of such a flowerpot, many immediately begin to look for the answer to the question: "If you gave primrose in a pot, how to take care of it and prolong the maximum life?".

It is desirable to put the primula in a bright place, but protected from direct sunlight, so that the temperature does not exceed 15 ° C. The next problem is humidity, the best way to save the pot is to create a tiny plastic greenhouse for it. In this form, you can take care of the primula before the warm May, and then after hardening, drop it into the flower bed. If the soil in the shop pot is extremely small and it has a poor composition, it is better to make a transfer to the prepared mixture one week after the purchase.

How to transplant the primrose from the store?

The volume of the magazine container is minimal, instead of the substrate it often contains a tiny amount of peat and fertilizer to stimulate flowering. This soil is enough for a couple of weeks to maintain a presentable appearance, but then the pot begins to wither and gradually dies. The most important stage in the business is how to care for the primula in the room conditions - transplanting the plant into a container with good soil.

How to transplant primrose after purchase:

  1. We prepare a nutrient substrate.
  2. The new container is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.
  3. At the bottom, make a drainage layer up to 2-3 cm from vermiculite or expanded clay.
  4. We make a primrose transplant, evenly distributing the soil in the container.
  5. When transferring the plant, the old earthy one is slightly shaken, but the intertwined roots are not unraveled, so as not to damage.
  6. Place the roots in the hole, gently pripyvaem them on the sides.
  7. Slightly compact the soil with your fingers, leaving no voids.
  8. We produce watering.
  9. We put the pot on a light window sill with scattered lighting, protecting it from direct sun.

Land for Primrose Primrose

A good priming primer is easy to do by yourself. It should have a light, loose, but nutritious composition, capable of retaining moisture. Mix peat with sand and compost in a ratio of 1: 1: 3. It should be remembered that the mackerel primrose grows poorly in an acidic environment. For this species, a mixture of sod land (1 part), coniferous land (1 part), sand (1 part) and deciduous soil (2 parts).

How to water the primrose?

Studying the problem of how to care for the indoor primula, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct irrigation of the tender flower. In nature, it grows in a humid climate and does not tolerate a dry environment. Sprinkling primroses at home, do 2-3 times a week, strongly flood it is not recommended. After the end of flowering the amount of moisture is reduced, but the earth is maintained in a wet state, categorically not allowing it to dry out.

How to multiply the primrose?

More and more lovers are interested in issues of growing primroses, care and reproduction of a beautiful flower in the country or in a city room. A popular topic is the search for the best methods of breeding this plant, obtaining its own planting material. For this purpose, you can successfully use green propagation, division of a bush or planting fresh seeds.

Methods of reproduction of primrose:

  1. Seed reproduction. The material is applied surface method after 5 cm. The container is then put in a bag and transferred to a freezer with a temperature of -10 ° C for a month. After that, the box is transferred to a room with a temperature of up to 17 ° C in the penumbra, you can sprinkle a soil with a seed layer of snow. If properly treated, the primrose will ascend in spring in 25 days.
  2. Cuttings. Used young rosettes, which are rooted in a greenhouse with light soil. Care for cuttings should be carefully, regularly watering the planting, first time you need to shade the plants from the heat.
  3. Reproduction by bush dividing. We excavate 2-3 year old bushes with a good root system. We release the root collar and find branches. In the process of division in each part of the new bush, we leave at least one to two live kidneys of renewal. Plant the bushes in the ground and the first 2 weeks a week watered, weak planting for the winter shelter.

The primrose in the pot faded, what should I do?

For primroses, room care after flowering depends on the condition of the root system. Acquired in tiny pots, plants are transplanted, and if the container is of normal size and the soil is good in it, then after brewing, they live there until spring in a cool room with a temperature of about 18 ° C. Watering is moderate, with the arrival of heat we transplant the primrose on a flower bed in the garden. If you care well, in 2 years you can divide the adult bush with the purpose of reproduction.

Why will the primrose in the pot wither?

The reason for the problem, why the primula in the pot has wilted, can be high temperature, poor soil, watering with hard water. In the open air, plants are affected by infectious diseases or pests. This flower often suffers from powdery mildew , anthracnose, rot, and spotting. Sick leaflets should be removed, recommended for timely treatment use fungicides - Fundazol , Fitosporin, Zineb or Topsin M. In the care of the primrose against aphids, spider mite and weevil, insecticides are used.

How to care for a street primrose?

When planting in the ground, the overripe humus, ash and sand are introduced. Large species planted through 45 cm, and small varieties - after 15 cm. For primulae street care it is advisable to carry out at half-shade, so that on a hot afternoon the flowerbed was closed by trees, and in the morning and in the evening it was well illuminated by the sun. Twice in the spring and once in the summer it is desirable to feed the plantings with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, using proven mixtures for flowering plants. In cold regions, the primula can be covered with lapnik or straw in late autumn, in the South it normally hibernates under snow.