A small heir to the British crown will go to kindergarten for ordinary kids!

We continue to talk about the restraint and modesty of the royal family of Foggy Albion. Recall that the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II prefers simple dishes and unpretentious outfits, her grandchildren showed themselves as brave soldiers and served in the army on a par with their subjects. The Duchess of Cambridge Keith is also distinguished by the thoughtfulness of spending. It is not surprising that in the matter of raising children, she behaved quite predictably - she decided to give her first child to an ordinary kindergarten!

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As it became known, one day of stay of a baby in a pre-school institution will cost the treasury of 30 pounds. For us - this is an impressive amount, but for London quotations - quite affordable price for tuition. The most expensive kindergartens in England cost up to 80 pounds a day.

Duchess Kate said that she had chosen a kindergarten for her two-year-old son, not on the principle of prestige or high cost, but because of the effectiveness of training. In the garden, where George Alexander Louis will go, the teaching is built on the Montessori system. This system is focused on independence, creativity and non-standard thinking. Is not this what the future European monarch needs?