Inner barley

Barley - acute purulent inflammation of the hair bag or sebaceous (sweat) glands, which are located on the edge of the century. The inner barley on the eye is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that are on the inside of the eyelid. To ensure that he does not return to you constantly, you need to find out the reason for his appearance.

Why does inner barley appear?

The causes of internal barley on the upper eyelid can be:

Symptoms of internal barley

The most obvious signs:

  1. The first sign of barley is itching, pain, redness, puffiness and swelling of the eyelid.
  2. During the tension of the eyelid, a considerable severity arises (as if something prevents you from closing or opening the eye).
  3. Within a few days there is condensation. Sometimes they can be several.
  4. On this bump appears head (pimple), which after several days is opened, and from it goes pus (you can not extrude yourself, you need to see a doctor so that pus does not get into the bloodstream and you are not hospitalized).

After finding out the cause and symptoms, you should definitely know how to treat internal barley.

Treatment of internal barley

There are several types of treatment for internal barley:

Treatment should be started immediately, as soon as the first symptomatology of the disease appeared. As a rule, first of all, antibacterial drops and ointments for the eyes are used. In barley, antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, a characteristic lump of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but not less than 5 days, even if the symptoms have disappeared earlier. With bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with a purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 consecutive days. It is important to remember that to any antibacterial drops and ointments, as well as to antibiotics of systemic action, bacteria can develop stability in the event of discontinuation of treatment immediately after the disappearance of symptoms, in which case the antibacterial drug will not be effective anymore.

Or, once inflammation has begun, you need to lubricate it with 70% ethyl alcohol (you need to dilute it a little with water) for 4-5 times a day. If this did not help, and the disease progresses, it is necessary to treat the foci with 30% Albucid solution, also it is possible treat with dexamethasone (bury in the eye sachet one drop 3-4 times a day).

As for the folk method of treatment, you need to mix half a glass of fresh aloe juice with one glass of honey (lime) and half a cup of natural cahors. Drink one teaspoon before eating. Keep this product in the refrigerator.

If the treatment did not help, and you still have a question, how to treat internal barley on the eye, you need to turn to the ophthalmologist. He will examine your eye and prescribe a series of tests and professional treatment.