Planting raspberries in spring seedlings are important rules that beginners need to know

Planting raspberries in spring saplings is only at first glance a difficult process. Compliance with several recommendations and the desire to give the first couple of attention to cuttings will be crowned with success. A properly chosen and prepared place, quality planting material and proven tips of experienced gardeners are the basis of success.

How to plant raspberries in spring with seedlings?

Raspberry is known not only for its useful qualities and sweet taste of its berries, but also for demanding. To grow a fruit bearing raspberries, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts even during the planting of purchased seedlings on the site.

  1. Saplings of raspberries after determination to their permanent place will grow there for more than one year, therefore it is important to select the soil correctly on the site. The optimal option - the place is sunny, but well closed from wind and drafts. The shadow will not affect the green mass of the bush, but the harvest can not wait. The shoots begin to stretch towards the sun and as a result, the buds are formed on the unripe tops. In winter they will freeze.
  2. It's good to think about the neighborhood. Apple trees or plums are considered the best choice, and the currant bushes of raspberries will start to depress.
  3. The seedling needs to create the right conditions for rapid growth, because in the spring sap flow begins. Overmoistening of the soil is disastrous for the root system. Sernnesuglinisty, well drained and nutritious soil - the perfect combination.

How to choose raspberry seedlings for planting in spring?

In spring, in almost every city starts the season of horticultural fairs and festivals. There you can find seedlings for every taste. However, practice has shown that it is dangerous to purchase planting stock without being familiar with the seller. The purpose of the fair or the spontaneous market is to sell the goods, therefore there are few true gardeners there, more often second-hand dealers. If the seedling is viable, it can turn out to be wild or a very different sort. There are several criteria for choosing a raspberry seedling when buying.

  1. Pay attention to the packaging. If the bushes sit in plastic bags, the probability of decaying the roots is high. The survival rate of the root system decreases several times.
  2. The smaller the seedling, the better it adapts to a new location.
  3. The seedlings should have two or four shoots. In nurseries or online stores are left for three. A short small stalk is better suited, a long escape will perish.

How to store raspberry seedlings before planting?

After the purchase in early spring, you will have to choose a cool place, so that the planting material will survive to the desired dates. It is recommended to disembark in small deep pots or plastic bottles. The room should have a constant low plus temperature. It can be a balcony, a northern room in the country or even a steam room in a dormant bath. In the question of how to store raspberry seedlings, it is important to provide a moderate dim light, complete darkness will not do.

When to plant raspberry seedlings in the spring?

Talking about specific dates and even approximate dates is difficult, because for each climatic region the change of weather conditions is individual.

  1. Southern regions with early spring and hot summer plant only in the fall. In the spring, the seedling will go to the stage of bud budding, not having had time to take root, as a result, it perishes.
  2. The middle belt allows gardeners to work in the spring and autumn without fear of losing crops. If snow falls out late for your area, the probability of survival is greater in the spring. Planting of raspberry seedlings falls for the period from mid-April to May. Here it is important to follow the forecasts: if after a cold April there comes at once a hot dry May, it is better to postpone the landing until the fall.

How to treat raspberry seedlings before planting?

Properly selected planting material and its storage is not yet a guarantee of successful rooting. Soaking is able to correct all gardener errors at these two stages, protect against possible difficulties.

  1. The drug " Aktara " or any other soil insecticide will protect the root system. In the spring, the larvae of the May beetle and wireworm, eating roots, are active. Soaking will make up for the loss of moisture if storage was incorrect.
  2. If before planting raspberries in spring seedlings everything was done correctly, before planting it is possible to dip the roots into the chattle. For its preparation, 6 grams of "Aktar" are bred in three liters of water and add to the solution one kilogram of "Kornevin" and clays with black soil.

How to plant raspberry seedlings in spring?

After selecting the site and preparing it, you can start working. There are two methods of locating seedlings.

  1. The bush method is suitable for planting individual bushes, each of which has up to ten stems. The distance between the raspberry seedlings when planting is one meter, the same will be between the rows.
  2. Young stems are planted with a tape method. This is a solid strip of young. Between the rows there will be already two meters of distance, and between the pits - no more than 60 cm. Before landing, tapes are installed in the form of trellises.

Mulching of raspberry seedlings with sawdust

With the introduction of organic materials under the bushes the emphasis is on nitrogen . In spring, it is often washed out, and saplings need a lot of vagi. Solves these two tasks mulching. To start mulching should be after the introduction of fertilizing, when the replacement shoots reach 30 cm. This is true for the cool strip. You can mulch and in early June, when the soil is well warmed up.

Mulching raspberries in the spring has its own characteristics, depending on the type of covering material. Sawdust in the decomposition of cellulose removes nitrogen from the soil, so when fertilizing it should be placed a little more than the recommended standards. However, an excess of nitrogen leads to the fattening of bushes: there are many greenery, but few berries.

Care for raspberry seedlings in spring

Planting raspberries in spring seedlings has several points. When planting, it is important to pour every stalk abundantly. The earth after digging is not compacted, but settles itself after the introduction of water. 7 liters of water are poured under each seedling. In the spring period, raspberry seedlings need constant care.

  1. Before planting or even after it, the shoots should be cut to a height of 30 cm. This is done to increase the flow of plant forces to the root system. The stems will pull everything, so getting rid of them will lead to active growth of root offspring, and the survival rate increases.
  2. After a plentiful watering, the ground under the cuttings is mulched.
  3. When the cuttings take root, they can be actively fed with complex fertilizers. We can not leave weeds, especially dangerous for young grass.
  4. Water should be plentiful once a week. This will promote good root growth. Frequent small watering for raspberries is not suitable.
  5. Bushes must be tied to ensure access to all the branches of the sun.

When begins to bear fruit raspberries after planting seedlings?

Repair varieties are pleased with the first berries already this season. If bushes were planted in autumn or early spring, then the first harvest has time to ripen already in August at the end of the month. For ordinary raspberries fructification occurs only one year after disembarkation. In the question, when raspberries give the first harvest, there are nuances. Gardeners beginners are waiting for picking berries in a year, but get only a small handful.

This is absolutely normal. After landing, the seedling gives few berries, but several strong shoots. For the third year, there will be more berries, and full-fruited fruit should be expected only for the fourth season after disembarkation. Therefore, we are in no hurry to change the raspberry in a more convenient place or dig it out, hoping to pick up more productive varieties.