Chocolate jelly

Very delicate and airy delicacy - chocolate jelly, literally melts in the mouth. Cold enough, but not as ice-cold as ice cream, jelly refreshes perfectly in the summer heat, and without any risk of getting sore throat.

Milk chocolate jelly



Gelatin pour half a glass of milk at room temperature, stir. And the remaining milk is poured into a saucepan and sent to the fire. When it's warm enough, add the chocolate-crushed chocolate and sugar. Cook the mixture over low heat until the chocolate completely dissolves.

Swellable gelatin is also heated on the stove, stirring, so that no lumps remain. The main thing is not to boil! We pour it to the bulk, stir and dispense on kremankam. We wait until it has cooled down to room temperature, and then we hide it in the refrigerator until it is completely solidified.

Recipe for sour cream chocolate jelly from cocoa



Gelatin with sugar dissolved in boiled water and heated, but not boiled, over low heat. Add vanillin and pour over 2 mugs. In one of them we pour the cocoa and mix well, so that there are no lumps left. Sour cream is also divided in half, into one part we pour gelatin with cocoa, in the other - without. Mix and dispense into molds. First, white sour cream layer is hidden for 20 minutes in the freezer, and after pouring the chocolate mixture over the top and again put it on the cold until it is completely solidified. Everything, jelly from cocoa is ready!

And, finally, one little trick. Before serving, place the form with our layered jelly for a few seconds in hot water, then turn it over on a plate - the dessert will easily depart from the walls!

How to make cheese-chocolate jelly?



Prepare the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Half of the cottage cheese (for this dessert is suitable only home, greasy and pasty) mixed with half of sugar, cream and swollen gelatin. Add the melted dark chocolate and whisk together until smooth. The resulting mass is transferred into a form covered with food film (if using a silicone form, then the film is not needed!). Similarly, we prepare a light mass from a mixture of the remaining cottage cheese, other ingredients and melted white chocolate.

Spread it in a mold on top of the chocolate layer and hide the treat in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, or better at night. Then cover the form with a dish, turn it over and carefully take out our jelly. We remove the film and sprinkle with chocolate chips.