Self-hypnosis for weight loss

Recently, self-hypnosis for weight loss is very popular. It is best used as an additional means for proper nutrition and regular physical activity. There are several methods, so if you wish, everyone can find a more suitable option for themselves.

Mastering the technique of hypnosis and self-hypnosis

With regular practice, you can get rid of the desire to eat harmful and high-calorie foods. Hypnosis helps to distract from thoughts about food. If desired, you can "program" yourself for the required amount of food you eat.

How to master the technique of immersion in self-hypnosis:

  1. Find the most convenient place for yourself. For example, someone feels comfortable lying on the couch, while others like to sit on the balcony. It is important that nothing distracts, so turn off the phone, TV, etc.
  2. Normalize your breathing, it is important to control each breath and exhalation. It is necessary to try to concentrate as much as possible on breathing. Take a breath for 5 scores, exhale at 7, and the pause between them should last 1-2-3. If such breathing brings discomfort, then adjust it for yourself.
  3. After that, start to say the phrases of autosuggestion, which should begin with: "I want" or "I can." Repeat the words several times. Of great importance is the visualization of what has been said. It is important that there be no "not" particle in the formulations. It is recommended to put the most refined goals, for example, "I want to lose weight by 20 kg" or "I want to look so that all men admire me."

It is important to understand that losing weight with self-hypnosis is not so simple, and you will need to repeat several dozen sessions. The main thing is not to stop and believe in a positive result. If everything is done correctly, in a few days it will be possible to notice changes in food habits.