Shchi from sorrel

The end of spring and the beginning of summer is a wonderful time for preparing dishes from sorrel, because it is during this period that bright sour greens appear. The first thing that comes to mind - light soup from sorrel, which could be served hot and cold, as an easy meal for a hot day.

Green cabbage soup with sorrel, cream and egg



After peeling potato tubers and carrots, cut them into cubes and boil until tender in the vegetable broth. As soon as the vegetables are softened, we put large-sized sliced ​​leaves of sorrel and wait for a couple of minutes until they fade. Meanwhile, we brew the flour in cold cream and pour the solution into the soup. After repeated boiling, remove the pan from the heat and pour the cabbage soup from the sorrel on plates. Serve with boiled eggs.

Green cabbage soup with nettle and sorrel



In a deep saucepan, melt the butter and put the crushed green onions with the leaves of sorrel and nettle on it. While the green leaves the excess moisture, bring to a boil chicken or vegetable broth and season it with salt. Transfer the stewed greens to the broth and cook for a few minutes at the lowest heat. Whisk the sour cream with yolks and, gradually pouring the ladle of hot soup, temper the mixture so that it does not curdle when pouring into the pan. Warm sour cream sauce mix with the cabbage soup and spoon the dishes on plates.

If you decide to cook soup from nettles and sorrel in a multivark using this recipe, then in the bowl, put out the greens in the oil and then fill it with broth. Boil the soup is not necessary, after boiling the liquid, it is best to immediately turn off the device and pour in sour cream sauce.

How to cook green cabbage soup from canned sorrel?



After heating the oil in a saucepan, save on it thin rings of leeks until soft. Add the onion with white wine and let it evaporate. Adding wine to the soup base will make the sourness of the ready-made dish more multifaceted. Mix onion with sorrel and immediately pour boiling broth. Remove the saucepan with cabbage soup from the fire and spill the soup over the plates. A handful of dill and a spoon of sour cream are not necessary, but very desirable.

Shchi from fresh sorrel with young cabbage

We are accustomed to seeing classically Russian cabbage soup on a cabbage basis, but what if we dilute the classics with a generous handful of sour oxalic greens? A new facet of a long familiar dish will emerge, which will dilute the menu of everyday meals without regard to its simplicity.



Rinse the leaves of the sorrel and cut them into thick straws. Peel the potato tubers and onions at random.

Melt butter in a saucepan and save onions on it until light golden tint. Move the onion roast in boiling broth along with the potatoes, and cook for 15 minutes. Send cabbage leaves to the soup and continue cooking for another 7 minutes, and after turning off the hotplate, put the sorrel down. Serve the cabbage soup with hard-boiled eggs, herbs and sour cream.