Pregnancy after a miscarriage - when and how to plan a conception of a child?

Violation of the reproductive system often makes pregnancy impossible after a miscarriage. In order for conception to occur, a woman has to undergo more than one examination to determine the cause of the interruption. However, the pregnancy may come to an end with miscarriage .

Can I immediately get pregnant after a miscarriage?

On the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage a month later, doctors give a positive response. It is due to the fact that the reproductive system continues to function as before: a mature ovum ovulates, enters the abdominal cavity. Sexual contact without the use of contraceptives and drugs at this time can lead to conception.

In order not to become pregnant after a recent miscarriage, doctors advise to protect themselves. To this end, women are prescribed hormonal contraceptives. These drugs not only prevent fertilization, but also restore the hormonal background, normalizing the work of the reproductive system. They must be used with due regard to medical prescriptions, observing the dosage, the frequency and duration of administration.

Pregnancy after an early miscarriage

Interruption of pregnancy at the initial stages is often due to a violation of the implantation process. The fetal egg does not penetrate into the wall of the uterus, it kills and exits outwards. This phenomenon can have a single character, so the attempt to conceive a child for the second time becomes successful. However, miscarriage at the beginning of the gestation process can occur due to Rh-conflict (the second most common pathological factor).

In this case, a Rh-negative woman develops a Rh-positive fetus. As a result, the maternal organism perceives the erythrocyte antigens of the embryo as alien. As a result of the response from the female organism, the fetus is decomposed, hemolysis of erythrocyte cells, and this can result in the death of the baby. In this situation, pregnancy one month after miscarriage has a high probability of interruption.

Pregnancy after a late miscarriage

Abortion on late gestation is often associated with a violation of the very process of bearing a baby. Failure to follow medical instructions, prescriptions, or regimen can lead to interruption. At the same time, there are no violations in the female body, so pregnancy after a late miscarriage often comes quickly. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of its onset in the next menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy immediately after miscarriage - the consequences

Pregnancy immediately after miscarriage is associated with a high risk of its repeated interruption. It is caused by a disturbed hormonal background and not restored reproductive system. Hormones continue to be synthesized for some time in the same volume as in pregnancy. This prevents normal implantation, so if fertilization does occur, the fetal egg can not penetrate the uterine wall.

In addition, often miscarriages are accompanied by great blood loss. Against her background, the risk of posthemorrhagic anemia increases. With such a violation, the amount of hemoglobin in the woman's blood decreases. The onset of pregnancy at this time is fraught with the development of chronic hypoxia in the fetus. The constant shortage of oxygen, which is carried to the baby with blood, leads to his oxygen starvation.

How to plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage?

To carry out planning of pregnancy after miscarriage, a woman should in accordance with medical recommendations. Before embarking on active activities to conceive a baby, she must undergo a comprehensive examination. Detection and exclusion of the cause that caused spontaneous abortion, causes a relapse of pathology.

When can I plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage?

A woman who has undergone abortion is often interested in the answer to the question of how much after the miscarriage you can plan a pregnancy. In such cases, doctors do not give an unambiguous answer. It all depends on the cause that caused spontaneous abortion, and the condition of the woman's reproductive system. Often the need for a break before planning the next conception is due to the therapy.

To restore the same reproductive system, it takes at least 6 months. During this period, doctors recommend to protect themselves, use contraceptives. After a lapse of six months, a woman can plan the next pregnancy after a miscarriage. Preliminary it is necessary to undergo a second examination and after receiving permission from the doctor to start active operations.

How to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage?

Pregnancy after spontaneous abortion should be carefully planned. The woman will have to undergo a survey, identify the cause of the miscarriage. Its exclusion is the key to successful conception and bearing of the child. Often, a woman is difficult to ovulate after a miscarriage, so to determine the time it passes in the body, you need to test. In parallel, the hormonal status is determined, since the excess of androgens often acts as a cause that causes the termination of pregnancy. Other compulsory studies include:

How to become pregnant after a miscarriage?

In some cases, after numerous examinations and treatment, conception after miscarriage does not occur. In this situation, doctors advise to focus on the lifestyle and adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not be nervous. A woman should exclude from her life all the factors that cause stress and distress.
  2. To refuse from bad habits. Doctors advise not to drink alcohol and nicotine to both potential parents.
  3. Do not take medication yourself. Use of any drugs during pregnancy planning should be agreed with the doctor.
  4. Healthy food. In the diet, you need to increase the protein content: low-fat meat (veal, lamb), fish. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps to saturate the body with vitamins.

After a miscarriage, pregnancy does not occur

Referring to a doctor for help, women complain that they can not get pregnant after a miscarriage. It is worth considering that the lack of conception in the first months after the abortion is not a violation - the body is recovering gradually, so there is no ovulation after the miscarriage. You can set its time in the body by measuring the basal temperature . Sexual contacts during the period of ovulation increase the chances of conception.

If ovulation is regular, and pregnancy does not occur, it is necessary to check the quality of male ejaculate. When a partner is examined, a poor quality of sperm is often detected - the sex cells are small, they have an irregular morphology, their mobility is disturbed. The only way out is to treat a partner, after which you can plan a pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage at an early age.

How to keep a pregnancy after a miscarriage?

To a pregnancy after a spontaneous abortion is not interrupted again, a woman must fully comply with medical instructions. You can not ignore any changes in health - everything must be reported to the doctor.

To prevent pregnancy after a miscarriage, a woman should:

  1. Exclude physical activity.
  2. Observe the regime of the day.
  3. Eat right.
  4. Protect yourself from stress and worry.