What pills interrupt pregnancy?

If a woman did not plan to become a mother, but the pregnancy did happen, one must make a rather difficult decision. And in the case when you still can not keep the baby for family or financial reasons, it is important to choose the most sparing way to get rid of pregnancy. Now this is a medical abortion. Therefore, if you were engaged in unprotected sex or if contraception has let you down, it is important to know in advance which pills interrupt pregnancy and how to take them.

Varieties of medications for medical abortion

Before taking medicines that help expel the fetus from the uterus, it is worth to consult with a doctor. Even if you are told what tablets you can interrupt pregnancy at home, taking them without seeing a doctor can cause profuse bleeding and even lead to death.

In the clinic, where you go about a medical abortion, which takes up to 6-7 weeks, a woman is likely to be advised by one of the following drugs:

  1. Pencrofton. It is recommended for use by young, yet unborn women, since the risk of secondary infertility after taking it is minimal. If you are wondering which pills interrupt pregnancy in the early stages, the gynecologist will most likely mention this drug, which is suitable for emergency contraception within 2 days after sexual intercourse.
  2. Mythophian. It significantly accelerates the process of detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus, and is also an analog of Mifepristone.
  3. Mifepristone. With his help cause an abortion if the gestation period is not more than 6 weeks. Usually, the doctor appoints three tablets of the drug at a time, but in each case, individual nuances are taken into account.
  4. Mifyprex. If you ask a gynecologist what type of pills you can drink, to interrupt pregnancy for a period of about 42 days, he will most often recommend this medicine. In addition, it is perfectly tolerated and very effective.
  5. Mifegin. It is proved that it does not cause side effects in almost 100% of cases.

All these pills can not just be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, because the risk of serious side effects is very high.