Acriderm Ointment - Important Rules for Use

You can apply Akriderm ointment for various problems with the integrity of the skin, but you can not prescribe it yourself because in a large number of cases it is useless and can adversely affect the hormonal background and human health. In order not to damage your health, you need to know the indications and contraindications to the drug.

Acriderm Ointment - composition

Acriderm Ointment is an external potent drug designed to treat skin ailments that react poorly to non-hormonal therapy. They resort to this type of drugs after less dangerous means have been tried, and necessarily under the supervision of a dermatologist. Acriderm Ointment - Composition:

Acriderm HC - composition

Acryderm Ointment HC is created on the basis of the classic drug Acriderm and differs from it with a more complex composition that allows to expand the range of diseases that can be solved with the help of this external agent. The Acryderm GC contains:

Acriderm SC - composition

The preparation Acryderm SK ointment differs from the classic Acryderma and is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to achieve a deeper penetration into the dermis of the glucocorticosteroid. The composition of the Acriderm SK Ointment includes:

Acryderm ointment - indications for use

To answer the question of what the Acriderm ointment helps with, you need to know the pharmacological action of its main component. Betamethasone dipropinate (betamethasone) is a corticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, antihistamine, antipruritic and anti-edematous action. This substance prevents the accumulation of leukocytes in the inflamed area of ​​the skin, relieves itching and swelling.

Acryderm ointment - indications for use:

The answer to the question of what helps ointment Acriderm GC is contained in its composition. In this combined preparation, in addition to a glucocorticosteroid, an antifungal agent and a broad-spectrum antibiotic are included. Acryderm GC ointment is indicated for:

Acriderm SK ointment contains salicylic acid, which has antimicrobial, keratolytic action (loosening of the epidermis) and helps to eliminate the stratified skin layers, which allows the corticosteroid to penetrate deeper into the dermis layers. Assign ointment Acriderm SK with:

Ointment Acryderm - contraindications

Any glucocorticosteroid drug has many contraindications and limitations to use. In pregnancy and in childhood (over 1 year), Acryderm ointment is used only under strict control and provided that the possible harm will not be more than possible benefit. The use of the drug with a corticosteroid in childhood or during lactation is dangerous in that betamethasone can cause hormonal disorders in the child.

Akriderm - contraindications:

Acryderm - side effects

In case of systemic (side) reactions with the use of the drug, it is necessary to stop taking and consult a doctor for an alternative drug or corrective therapy. Acryderm Ointment - side effects:

Acriderm Ointment - Application

Like other steroid preparations, Acriderm ointment should be used according to the instructions, without departing from the doctor's recommendations. In case of an overdose, complications can occur - Cushing's syndrome, oppression of the adrenal cortex, hyperglycemia, glucosuria.

Acrydrom Ointment - use of the drug:

  1. Acriderm Ointment (including Acriderm GK and Acriderm SK) is applied to the skin lightly twice a day. Depending on the severity of the disease, the number of applications may vary by the physician.
  2. It is forbidden to get Acryderm ointment in the eyes.
  3. Duration of therapy - 2-4 weeks, with prolongation of treatment symptoms of overdose may occur.
  4. If there is no improvement, you should contact your doctor.

Acriderm from acne

To treat acne and acne, doctors often prescribe a cream or ointment Acryderm GK, the use of which helps quickly get rid of skin problems. For a fatty skin type, take a cream, with a dry ointment. The drug Akriderm GK is effective for purulent-inflammatory rashes, but it should be applied with caution and not for long: the face - 5 days, on the body - 1-2 weeks. Apply the product you need to point with a cotton swab, you can not smear it on open wounds.

Acriderm from lichen

The question of what helps Acriderm often occurs in people suffering from severe skin diseases, such as lichen. With this disease Acryderm GK ointment is effective in that it removes inflammation and itching well, destroys fungal and bacterial infection, reduces swelling. It is possible to apply with lichen and Acriderm SK - this ointment will help get rid of thickening of the skin. Apply the ointment is needed only to the affected areas deprived of skin. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks.

Acriderm from herpes

Acriderm ointment from herpes on the lips is not applied - viral skin lesions are a contraindication to the use of drugs with betamethasone. Herpes should be treated with antiviral ointments and creams, such as Acyclovir, Fenistil-pencivir, tablets - Acyclovir, Valtrex, Valavir, Famvir, Minaker. All these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor taking into account the state of the patient's immune system.

Acryderm from allergies

The use of Acrydrom ointment from skin allergy is justified if there has been no improvement in the patient's condition after the use of non-hormonal therapy. With allergic dermatitis, rashes effective classic Acryderm ointment, if the allergic rash is complicated by bacterial infection - you need to use Acryderm GC or Acriderm SK. These drugs themselves can also cause an allergic reaction, so you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Acriderm from fungus

Doctors often hear the question - how to apply Akriderm in a fungal infection, the variety of which now provokes numerous infections. Clotrimazole is an effective antifungal component that is part of the Acryderm GK ointment, which should be used for fungus on infected skin areas 2 times a day, depending on the complexity of the disease (2-4 weeks).

Acriderm from eczema

Those who want to know how to apply Acriderm ointment with eczema, you need to remember that with this disease you can use all three varieties of this drug. It is more effective to make bandages with eczema ointment from eczema - the product is applied to the tissue with a thin layer and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day for 1 hour. The course of treatment should not exceed 2-3 weeks. If the use of Acriderm ointment caused dry skin, you should additionally use a moisturizing, low-allergenic cream.

Acriderm from hemorrhoids

The use of Acrydmium ointment with hemorrhoids is completely useless, and besides this, the ointment can cause overdrying of the skin, its atrophy, burning sensation or allergic reaction, which will aggravate the patient's well-being. For the treatment of hemorrhoids should be used special means, for example - ointment Gepatrombin G, which effectively removes pain syndrome, inflammation, heals cracks, promotes rapid regeneration of tissues.

Acriderm - analogues

Analogue ointment Acryderm - a drug that helps treat inflammation, rashes, dermatitis and many other skin problems that can be used with low glucocorticosteroid effectiveness or when an allergic reaction occurs. Doctors give an advantage to such analogs:

  1. Celeston - is prescribed for hives, acute dermatitis, lupus erythematosus.
  2. Beloderm - helps with eczema, psoriasis, irritations after an insect bite, sunny dermatitis, neurodermatitis, flat lichen, rashes, causing skin itching.
  3. Diprospan - treats skin inflammations, allergic rashes.
  4. Celestoderm B - can be used for inflammatory skin diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  5. Betaderm - helps with dermatitis, including bacterial infection, simple diarrhea, diaper rash, psoriasis, eczema, dyshidrosis.
  6. Candide B - treats fungal skin infections, dermatoses, dermatomycosis, epidermophytosis.
  7. Belosalik - helps with warty hair loss , psoriasis, ichthyosis, eczema, red planar lichen, keratosis, hives, neurodermatitis, abnormal dry skin.
  8. Diprosalyk - is prescribed for eczema, usual ichthyosis, psoriasis, dyshidrosis, red flat lichen.
  9. Kansinon - copes with the interdigital fungus, stomatitis, urethritis, pityrious and colorful lichen, fungal paronychia.
  10. Triderm - can be used for dermatitis, candidiasis, chronic lichen, dermatophytes, limited neurodermatitis.
  11. Boro plus - a natural cream that has a calming, antipruritic and regenerative effect. Helps from depriving, dermatosis, allergic rashes.