Eczema - the causes of all types of painful rash

The disease, which causes inflammation of the skin with the formation of a red rash, accompanied by itching, burning, soreness, is called eczema. The causes of eczema have not been elucidated, and pathology is considered to be polyethological, in the development of which various internal and external factors participate.

Types and causes of eczema

According to research, the following causes are capable of provoking eczema:

Depending on the prevailing mechanism, which has the greatest effect on the occurrence of inflammatory reactions in skin tissues, as well as the course and features of the rash, different types of eczema are distinguished:

Microbial eczema - the causes of

This type of inflammation occurs as a result of a decrease in general and local immunity, often with a purulent lesion of the dermis in the area of ​​chronic foci. It can be infected wounds, postoperative wounds, trophic varicose ulcers, abrasions, scratches, fistulas. As pathogens in most cases, epidermal and golden staphylococci, hemolytic streptococci, proteins, as well as fungal microflora. The causes of microbial eczema, in addition to the above, may be associated with lymphostasis - a violation of lymphatic transport.

Recognize the defeat can be on the emerging large itchy foci with a clear restriction and tearing off the layer of cells around the edges. On the surface of the foci there are accumulations of papules, vesicles, moccasins, purulent crusts. When combing the damage zones, the pathological process is aggravated and can develop into generalized inflammation.

Coin-like eczema - causes

The coin-like (other names - nummular, plaque) eczema is considered a kind of microbial and is characterized by the appearance of towering foci of round shape about 1 cm in size with abundant wetting and the formation of purulent crusts. Nummular eczema, the causes of which are largely caused by a violation of nervous regulation and malfunctions in the immune system, can be exacerbated by the action of such factors:

Regardless of the cause, eczema of this type in most patients affects the tissues of the upper and lower extremities. Known, however, are cases of generalized forms of the disease, in which the skin of the thorax, back, buttocks, abdomen is affected. At the same time, general health worsens, lymph nodes can inflame, body temperature can rise.

Wetting Eczema - Causes

Powerful eczema (true) is first manifested by redness and swelling, against which a rash is formed in the form of small bubbles with serous fluid inside. Quickly revealing, these formations leave behind them microerosions, of which exudate is constantly allocated, creating an abundantly wetting area without clear boundaries. The next stage is the appearance of drying crusts. Flowing for a long time, such a defeat turns into a chronic stage and even after the disappearance of acute inflammation there are pathological changes of the skin - thickening, dryness.

Finding out why eczema of this type arises, the researchers came to the conclusion that the main role in its appearance is played by neurogenic, infectious-allergic, genetic, endocrine-metabolic factors. The tendency to develop the disease largely determines the general state of the body, the functioning of the immune system. The causes of the appearance of eczema wet type often hide in the errors of nutrition in the presence of allergies.

Dyshidrotic eczema - causes

A distinctive characteristic of the dyshidrotic eczema is a certain localization - palms and feet. The lesion has the appearance of numerous smallest vesicles on the background of a slight reddening and swelling, which can merge with the formation of large blisters, and at the opening leave erosions and crusts. When the process progresses, the affected area can spread to the back area of ​​the hands, the upper part of the foot and other parts of the limbs, often the nail plates are affected.

Earlier it was thought that as the main cause of eczema of this type has a disruption of the functioning of the sweat glands and their blockage, however, modern scientists found that this is far from being a dominant factor. Dyshidrotic eczema of the cause of onset is more profound, associated with heredity. People whose immediate relatives suffered from atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, hay fever, are more prone to pathology. Exacerbations of the disease are very often associated with the stresses experienced, the effect of contact stimuli.

Eczema on the feet - causes

Emerging on the legs of eczema in an adult cause may have different, but often the defeat of such a localization is associated with direct exposure to allergens:

One of varieties is varicose eczema, which appears due to stagnant phenomena in the tissues caused by a violation of blood flow in the venous vessels of the legs. Inflammation develops near the modified vessels and has the appearance of bubbles and damp erosions, the appearance of which is preceded by the forming areas of peeling, itchy redness.

The causes of eczema on the hands

Many people suffer from eczematous skin lesions for years, characterized by various eruptions, itching, burning, dryness, scaling. The periods of remission alternate with the phases of exacerbation, and acute phenomena are often observed in the cold season. The exact causes of eczema on the hands can not always be ascertained, but all people with this problem have a violation of the barrier functions of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the professional eczema on the hands, which develops due to prolonged negative effects of chemicals in people working in industrial plants, in laboratories. Initially, the symptoms of this type of lesion are observed on the site of a typical contact with the stimulus, and then the inflammation can pass to other areas of the skin. The causes of eczema are often associated with exposure to dyes, formaldehyde, chromium, nickel, detergents.

Causes of eczema on the face

If an eczema is formed on the face, the causes are mainly related to allergic processes. Often the disease has a spontaneous onset, has manifestations similar to erysipelas, and the favored zone of localization is the perioral region (around the mouth). The causes of eczema on the face, especially manifested by rashes near the mouth, can have the following:

Skin lesions of the face due to unaesthetic appearance provoke in women psychological complexes, problems with communication and personal life, which only aggravate the situation and cause exacerbations. In addition, because of the constant itching, burning sensation, there are often disturbances in sleep, sometimes a bacterial or fungal infection.

Eczema on the neck - causes

As in most cases of eczematous inflammation of the dermis, the main cause of eczema with neck localization lies in the atypical reaction of a dysfunctional immune system in response to the influence of various stimuli. In this case, in the role of allergens often act as necklaces (chains, necklaces, pendants) made with the use of metals such as nickel, chromium, copper, etc. There are also cases of allergy to gold and silver, provoking the appearance of eczema.

Eczema - psychological causes

When describing the causes of various varieties of eczema, a psychological factor has already been mentioned that can act as a primary provoker, and may serve as a cause of exacerbation of inflammation on the skin. Scientists working in such a field of medicine as psychosomatics, the causes of eczema on the hands, face and other parts of the body explain in terms of the close connection of human thoughts, actions, character traits and various bodily diseases.

Impressive, even according to the adherents of official medicine, sound the arguments about the psychosomatic nature of eczema. Evidence is the insufficient effectiveness of the use of drugs in the treatment of this disease. And, on the contrary, the combination of psychotherapy with medicamental methods often shows excellent results.