Guessing on the witch's board

To such a rite, as fortune-telling on a witch's board, are twofold. Most are sure that this is nothing more than children's entertainment, school camp shirts or a game for a bachelorette party.

In fact, it is a magical object of antiquity. There was a witchcraft Wingji , or rather her "parent", presumably in ancient Egypt. The pointer had previously replaced the golden ring on the string, which pointed to a board with hieroglyphs. It was revived on the board relatively recently, in 1889.

Today, divination, for which a Wingji witchcraft is needed, is a common technique for answering any question by calling the spirit. You can guess on the board together or in seven. The main thing is to touch all of them simultaneously with the fingertips of the pointer and not open the lined circle so that the accumulated energy does not come out and does not give fortune telling.

How to guess on Wyndzhi's magic board?

In a calm dim light, light the candles, turn off the music and devices that can distract you, otherwise the spellcast will not be able to guess with you.

Name the name of the spirit with which you want to speak out loud, "Spirit, come", touch your finger tips to the pointer and wait for the coming force to manipulate the arrow.

The pointer under your fingers will gain extraneous energy and begin to move in letters, from which you can compose words, wishes and answers to your questions. For the convenience of guessing on the board are already arranged the whole straight answers: "yes", "no", "farewell".

Guessing ends when the pointer on the board approaches the word "farewell". This means that the spirit no longer wants to communicate and leaves the circle.

Whether it's a game or not - it's for everyone to decide, but it's better not to abuse magic objects. Still, there is little stupidity in what most people consider an inexplicable force and only "daredevils" perceive it as a rally.