Guest Marriage

Today, residents of large cities, people who are actively building a career, are increasingly thinking about a variety of relationships, like guest marriages. But what is a guest marriage?

It is also called extraterritorial, that is, spouses live in different territories, meeting at the mutual desire. It is also possible to hold joint vacations, holidays, not long cohabitation, but at the same time the spouses do not conduct a common household. At other times, spouses are free from each other and family obligations, but unlike free relationships, guest marriage still implies the loyalty of the parties, and there is also a stamp in the passport.

Features of life in a guest marriage

Guest marriage is usually when the future husband and wife are people who are fairly well off and independent and do not want to lose their freedom at all. In addition, adherents of guest marriages believe that long-term cohabitation kills feelings and romance, and partners do not respect and appreciate each other completely. All this in a guest marriage can be avoided - the spouses are seen only by mutual desire and their everyday problems do not care. What are the benefits of having a guest marriage?

Guest relations are often chosen by creative people, who need free space, like air, or those who are in constant traveling. For the rest of the people, a guest marriage can turn into a number of rather serious inconveniences. For example, such relationships are possible only if the guest wife and husband are healthy wealthy people, with no problems existing in the community. After all, guest marriage risks falling apart at the slightest deterioration in the financial position of one of the partners. Also, he can not stand disease or deterioration in the quality of sex. In a guest marriage of special obligations, partners have no one in front of each other, and if one ceases to arrange something, the relationship ceases without unnecessary conversations.

Psychologists do not consider this kind of marriage to be serious - most of them call such a relationship a hoax. Because such couples only play a family life, not daring to commit themselves to another person. Thus, the family is replaced by a low-grade surrogate. But there is an opinion that guest marriages have the right to exist, however, only temporary. After all, if a person can not let another into his territory, it means he is looking for the best, maybe a more convenient option. But anyway, it can not be denied that guest marriages, while aimed at creating maximum comfort for both partners, but can have a number of difficult moments, especially if the couple thinks about the children.

Children in guest marriage

Guest marriage does not exclude the appearance of children, but their birth is usually pre-arranged by the couple. Raises children or the person who owned the initiative for their appearance, or the couple share responsibilities, although at first the mother will take care of the child anyway. But most of the time the upbringing falls completely on the shoulders of the mother, the father takes mediocre participation in the life of the children - a sort of dad of the day off.

Guest marriages, of course, have their advantages, but it seems that they can never replace a full-fledged family - you want to see your native person every day, and for this you can sacrifice a piece of personal comfort.