Acute pain in lower back

Acute lower back pain is an unpleasant symptom that actually immobilizes a person. It can occur both in older people and in young people, regardless of whether it was preceded by trauma or prolonged physical activity. Sharp pain in the lower back requires the patient to endure, observe rest, and most importantly - competent treatment.

Acute lower back pain - causes

A strong acute pain in the lower back may be different causes - ranging from a common cold and ending with more serious diseases - osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is the most common cause of acute pain and backache

So, most often acute pain in the lumbar region occurs against the background of osteochondrosis. This disease, which manifests itself as a dystrophic process between the vertebrae, and leads to the fact that the nerve roots of the spinal cord are gradually squeezed, and therefore, under certain motions and conditions, this process becomes aggravated, and acute pains arise.

Herniated disc

A sharp sharp pain in the lower back can also occur if the herniated intervertebral disc has developed. This is a complication of osteochondrosis - the disc changes its position and is partially destroyed, which sometimes leads to pinching of the nerve. Any acute pain in the lower back, as a rule, is accompanied by a pinched nerve, the reasons for which can be different.

Injuries to the spine

Of course, to severe pain in the lower back can cause a trauma - after a stroke or a fall.

Sprain of the back muscles

During work or sports with insufficient flexibility, a person can stretch the back muscles, which also leads to acute pain.


Rheumatism systematically affects the joints and heart, and its causative agent is hemolytic streptococcus. Violation in the joint tissue can lead to a pinched nerve, and this will lead to sharp acute pain in the lower back.

Displacement of vertebrae

Displacement of vertebrae can be caused by one of the above reasons, but congenital pathology is also possible.

Kidney Diseases

In diseases that are accompanied by pain in the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), as well as with urolithiasis and inflammation of the appendages in women, acute back pain may occur, despite the fact that the pain is caused not by the spine, but by other organs.

Additional factors leading to possible acute back pain:

Treatment of acute low back pain

To relieve acute pain in the lower back, the following measures should be taken first:

  1. Provide a loin rest - in the opposite case, the pain can increase.
  2. To the muscles of the waist were in a relaxed position, you need to lie down or use an elastic corset.
  3. If the cause of the disease is not an infectious disease, then the application of ice wrapped in a tissue stacked in several layers will help to reduce the pain.
  4. If there is a gel to relax the back muscles with an analgesic effect, it is better to use it, rather than an ice compress; one of the known gels of such an action is Dolobien.
  5. To reduce pain, take pain medication - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac , Solpadein, Dolaren.

These methods will speed up the removal of acute pain in the lower back, but to finally get rid of the symptom, you also need:

  1. Do exercise therapy.
  2. To pass or take place a course of a physiotherapy.
  3. Within a month to conduct medical massage.
  4. In some cases acupuncture is used to reduce pain.

Medications that will help relieve pain and restore tissue: