Klebsiella in the intestine

Among all the reasons for the development of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, the leading place is occupied by Klebsiella in the intestine. It is a fixed conditionally pathogenic bacterium belonging to the group of Gram-negative rods. In a healthy organism, the Klebsiella is a representative of the normal microflora of the mucous membranes, intestines and skin. In the pathological multiplication of this gram-negative rod, there are klebsiella infections.

Where does an adult in the gut appear klebsiella?

It is possible to infect the bacterium from its carrier, but the main reason for infection with klebsiella is the violation of the rules of basic personal hygiene, for example, the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, eating without first washing hands. With a decreased activity of the immune system, the bacterium is also transmitted by airborne droplets - by sneezing, coughing.

Symptoms of klebsiella in the intestine

The signs of the described pathology depend on the organs that have been infected. But even if pathogens penetrate only into the intestinal mucosa, they multiply rapidly and migrate through the circulatory system, so clinical manifestations can be both isolated and generalized.

Symptoms of nasal sinus and upper respiratory tract infection:

Clinical manifestations of Klebsiella pneumonia:

When the bladder and urinary tract are affected, the following symptoms develop:

Also, multiplication of Klebsiella is accompanied by severe disruption of the digestive system:

Than to treat klebsiella in the intestine?

As a rule, with mild infection of the digestive tract, bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia and various probiotics are prescribed:

Rarely klebsiella in the intestine is to be treated with antibiotics - penicillins, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and sometimes fluoroquinolones. Appoint an effective drug can only a doctor after the analysis of the sensitivity of bacteria to the selected medicine.