Fluconazole - tablets

Fluconazole is one of the most famous antifungal agents. It is to his help that specialists turn most often. The drug is produced both in the form of injections, and in the form of suspensions, and in the form of capsules. And yet the tablet form of the release of Fluconazole is considered the most convenient and most liked by specialists. This effective medicine helps to solve many problems in a matter of seconds.

Composition of Fluconazole tablets

This drug has a wide spectrum of action. This effect is achieved thanks to an ideally selected composition. The drug is based on the active substance fluconazole. In addition to it, the tablets include such auxiliary components:

For today the preparation is issued in two basic dosages - on 50 and 150 milligrams.

Fluconazole tablets penetrate into cells of harmful microorganisms and prevent their reproduction. The product is well absorbed and quickly penetrates into all the fluids that are present in the body. The elimination of the main components of Fluconazole from the body is responsible for the kidneys.

Indications for the use of Fluconazole tablets

This drug is popular for good reason. It helps to cope with a wide variety of diseases of fungal origin. Assign Fluconazole for such diagnoses:

As practice shows, Fluconazole tablets from thrush are saved faster and more effectively than many other means. With the drug, this unpleasant female problem becomes completely insignificant. Although it is not necessary to get involved in fluconazole. If soon after recovery, candidiasis returns again, it is better to consult a specialist and, if necessary, to select additional drugs.

Very often in people with oncology, fungal diseases develop after irradiation and chemotherapy sessions. Tablets Fluconazole is allowed to take even this category of patients. The drug fights harmful microorganisms purposefully, without affecting the overall well-being.

In addition, Fluconazole can be taken as a prophylactic. The drug effectively prevents the development of the fungus. Use the tool is recommended even for patients with AIDS and patients suffering from various forms of immunodeficiency.

How and how many tablets of Fluconazole to drink?

The number of pills required and the duration of treatment can vary depending on the type of disease and its stage. Therefore, you can choose the appropriate treatment scheme only with a specialist.

So, for example, to get rid of thrush, one 150-milligram tablet is enough. For the prevention of candidiasis, it is recommended to drink one such pill per month. While the treatment of cryptococcosis lasts no less than a month and assumes the administration of 200 mg of fluconazole per day.

Contraindications to the use of Fluconazole tablets

Like other medicines, Fluconazole tablets can not be taken by everyone:

  1. It is not recommended to drink Fluconazole for children under six years of age.
  2. The drug is forbidden for pregnant patients and young mothers during lactation.
  3. Doctors strongly recommend to give up Fluconazole while taking Cisapride.