What kind of face cream to use in winter?

Every winter becomes stress for the body. The lack of vitamins, sharp changes in temperature, constant exposure to cold and dry air - all this negatively affects the health of the skin. To avoid trouble, it is important to choose a good winter cream for the face. Using a high-quality tool, it can safely be forgotten about unpleasant sensations, peeling and dryness of the epidermis.

What face cream do I need in winter?

Some representatives of the fair sex think that their skin changes during the winter and becomes dry. Therefore, they are stocked with nutrients and actively use them. This opinion is not entirely true.

The only thing is right - the epidermis in the cold season really loses a lot of moisture and becomes drier, but its type does not change at the same time. And unreasonable hydration only aggravates the situation.

What kind of face cream you can not use in winter, so it's moisturizing. This is understandable explanation: in the composition of such funds there is water, and in the cold it will begin to freeze, thereby tightening the skin and harming it.

The best face cream in the winter - nutritious, with the content of some natural butter - shea, aloe, avocado , olive or any stone fruit - and vitamins. Water in the composition of such nutrients is also available. But its content is very small. In addition, they do not have alcohol.

Choose the best cream for skin care in winter, you need based on what type of skin you have:

  1. For oily, it is better to choose products containing natural extracts of aloe, sage, lemon.
  2. Mixed or dry type of epidermis is suitable for fatty creams.
  3. Withering skin needs serious care. In addition to the nutrient, in the evenings, rejuvenating serums should also be used.

Such brands of creams are very well recommended:

How to take care of your skin in winter?

A few rules:

  1. Whichever face cream you use in the winter, before going to bed it must be washed off. And use for this cosmetologists, instead of traditional tonics, recommend the brewing of green tea.
  2. When entering from the cold, do not rush to the source of heat immediately. Give your skin a little getting used to changing temperatures.
  3. Any creams should be applied to the epidermis no later than one hour before reaching the fresh air.
  4. Even under the protection of special products, the skin can dry, and it must be cleaned of keratinized particles. Do not forget to use scrubs once or twice a week.
  5. To the skin feel comfortable, moisten the air in the premises where you spend most of your time.