Rheumatism - treatment

Rheumatism is a common disease that affects the connective tissues of the joints. Most often accompanied by seasonal exacerbations and disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of rheumatism

It is manifested through streptococcal infections, poor heredity, slagging of blood due to improper diet. The disease can be an exacerbation of scarlet fever, transferred "on the legs" of angina, pharyngitis.

Diagnosis of rheumatism

In laboratory conditions it is quite difficult to determine the rheumatic cause of pain.

There are a few diagnostic options, but they are quite complex:

Most often, the diagnosis is made due to clinical symptoms of rheumatism. To laboratory methods resort very rarely.

You can see violations when:

Treatment of rheumatism

When the disease worsens, bed rest is recommended, and sometimes - hospitalization for several weeks. How to treat rheumatism is decided only by a doctor, combining medicamental therapy with folk remedies or procedures that can be done at home. The most commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs along with glucocorticoids "Prednisol"

In addition, depending on the situation, antibiotics of penicillin group with immunostimulants "Histoglobulin" are prescribed.

The main cure for rheumatism is sleep and rest, proper nutrition. To avoid the consequences of the disease, physiotherapy is used. Warm spots with UHF lamps, electrophoresis, radon and ozone baths.

Treatment of rheumatism with folk remedies is recommended in conjunction with drug therapy, under the supervision of a doctor. Thanks to home procedures you can remove puffiness when exacerbating, dull pain, remove strong inflammation by natural means.

The main recipes of traditional medicine in its composition have a lemon. It helps to remove inflammation, use its juice and peel. Also effective are: infusion of birch buds, animal fat (bear, nutria, badger).

How to cure rheumatism completely, without relapse - has not yet been studied. Very often the disease begins to appear with new strength in the off-season, after a cold, flu, and an exacerbation of heart diseases.

Ointment for rheumatism

Ointment for rheumatism can be prepared at home - this will require:

Such a tool has a local effect, relieves acute pain and inflammation.

Prevention of rheumatism

Prevention of rheumatism is divided into the main and secondary:

The main prevention means prevention of the disease:

The auxiliary should direct all forces to prevent relapses of rheumatic attacks.

Diet for rheumatism involves a reduction in allergens in foods, removal of inflammation, correction of metabolic disorders, reduces the harm from drugs.

Nutrition for rheumatism is prescribed taking into account the propensity to kidney diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory disorders or metabolic processes of the body. It is recommended to pay attention to bread without salt, vegetable soups, dairy products (especially cottage cheese and hard cheese), cooked in a double boiler, diet meat and fish, cooked fruits and vegetables, cereals, compotes.

It should be excluded from the diet of spices, spicy food, canned food, legumes, liver, fried meat and fish, cocoa, coffee, confectionery, baking.