Fractional mesotherapy of facial skin - to whom is the procedure appropriate, and how is it performed?

Fractional mesotherapy refers to the latest achievements in hardware cosmetology. With its help, you can quickly update skin cells using internal resources of the body. Skin covers after the course of fractional mesotherapy become more healthy and young, the skin is smoothed and acquires a pleasant silkiness.

Fractional mesotherapy face - what is it?

Cosmetic means of rejuvenation are gradually replaced by hardware methods. The reason for this is the greater efficiency of the latter and less time-consuming. To have the first improvements after applying the cream, it may take several weeks, with the changes not clearly expressed. Hardware methods, including fractional mesotherapy, can achieve guaranteed results immediately after the procedure.

Fractional mesotherapy is the introduction of beneficial substances with the help of microinjection. Unlike conventional mesotherapy, fractional injections are done in certain areas around which the skin remains untouched. This leads to stimulation of surrounding zones and strengthening of the work of neighboring cells. Fractional micro needle mesotherapy has such advantages:

Fractional mesotherapy - indications

With the help of fractional micro needles mesotherapy can solve a number of problems:

Fractional mesotherapy - contraindications

Among all the hardware methods of rejuvenation, fractional facial mesotherapy is considered the safest. For the procedure to bring only positive results, the following contraindications should be considered:

Fractional mesotherapy - procedure

Before visiting a cosmetology room for the procedure of mesotherapy, you should familiarize yourself with the list of medicines that are forbidden to be consumed before the procedure. In addition, the day before the procedure should be abandoned alcohol.

The procedure of fractional mesotherapy consists of such stages:

  1. Remove from the face of decorative cosmetics.
  2. Disinfect the skin.
  3. If desired, clients can do local anesthesia.
  4. The main stage is the implementation of microinjection with the introduction of special cocktails.
  5. The person after fractional mesotherapy is disinfected again.
  6. To remove the swelling and redness on the face, apply a cooling spray or a cooling mask.

Preparations for fractional mesotherapy

Cocktails for fractional mesotherapy do not differ in composition from those for conventional mesotherapy. To improve the condition of the skin, cocktails with such substances are introduced into them:

Fractional mesotherapy - apparatus

The device for fractional mesotherapy is made in the form of a maniple with a cartridge. Each cartridge includes 12-20 needles with nanosilver spraying. Needle nozzles are removed and changed depending on the purpose of mesotherapy. Among cosmeticians, South Korean instruments are popular: Dermopen EDR-02, X-Cure and Raffine. These devices are inexpensive and have decent ergonomics, good technical data, they control the depth and speed of punctures. At the time of the puncture, a nutritious cocktail instantly enters the skin.

Fractional mesotherapy of facial skin - effectiveness

Fractional mesotherapy of the skin refers to the latest developments in cosmetology. It includes the best moments of various rejuvenating procedures and minimizes side effects. According to reviews of various women who experienced what fractional mesotherapy, photo before and after it, many were satisfied and received the effect of fractional mesotherapy:

How often can fractional mesotherapy be done?

The result of fractional mesotherapy depends on the quality of the apparatus used, the professionalism of the cosmetologist, the quality of the cocktails and the number of sessions. The first improvement on the skin can be seen after 3-4 sessions. Young healthy skin will respond to the procedures faster and more actively, mature - will require more sessions and frequent repetitions.

Often fractional facial mesotherapy consists of 6 sessions. After this, the following scheme is recommended: