Plaque in the language of the child

Careful moms are always very attentive to any changes in the body of the beloved toddler, afraid to miss a symptom of some formidable disease. Many of them regularly examine the language, which is not only the organ of the digestive system. For a specialist, he is an indicator of the general state of health.

The language is normal

When the baby is healthy, his tongue is uniformly light pink with a surface that is velvety to the touch thanks to papillae. The tongue is usually shiny from saliva. Sometimes it can have a thin white coating. It appears from the remnants of food and the activity of bacteria. If this layer is removed with a toothbrush, there is nothing to worry about.

Types of plaque

White coating in the language of the child. Such a plaque can tell about various diseases, depending on its thickness and location. Most often the plaque indicates problems with the digestive system. With dysbiosis or gastritis, the whole tongue becomes white. If the back of the organ is white - it is worth paying attention to the large intestine, if the middle - on the duodenum. If the tongue is swollen and covered with a thick white coating, the baby may have an infectious disease (flu, scarlet fever). The organ can whiten and become smooth with low hemoglobin and vitamin deficiency. Appearing in a breastfed child in a tongue, cheeks, curd, in the form of grains, indicates a thrush. Children with the appearance of white, curd, together with ulcers on the inside of the cheeks are associated with stomatitis.

Yellow coating in the language of the child. Yellow coating indicates various diseases of internal organs. Sometimes this is how the problems with the gall bladder appear. The tongue can turn yellow with prolonged constipation or into intoxication during food poisoning. At the same time, the dryness of this organ is noted due to dehydration.

Gray coating on the tongue. The appearance of such a plaque in the language of the child is also a sign of digestive problems. A gray tongue also occurs in chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Raspberry plaque on the tongue. Painting of the tongue in this color is possible with kidney disease, with scarlet fever (on days 4-5), with poisoning.

To examine the tongue of a child is necessary in the morning immediately after sleep, before eating and brushing your teeth. If you find a suspicious plaque in the language of the baby, it is not necessary to make diagnoses on your own. This is the prerogative of a doctor, so we recommend showing the child to a pediatrician.