Adhesive for wallpaper - which is better to choose?

If during the repair you decided to decorate the walls with wallpaper, it is very important to choose the right adhesive for wallpaper. After all, from this auxiliary material will depend on the result of repair in the apartment, and how long this wall covering will serve you. Therefore, the choice of this auxiliary material should be given special attention.

What kind of glue do you need for wallpaper?

Before deciding to buy glue, you should choose the wallpaper. And, depending on the coverage you choose, you can start looking for a suitable glue. Some owners decide on the purchase of a universal adhesive, which supposedly fits absolutely all types of wallpaper. However, such a delusion can end badly and ruin all your repairs in the room. Only having got acquainted with different kinds of this material, it is possible to decide which adhesive for wallpaper is better.

Before you buy glue for wallpaper, you need to read the instructions that should be printed on the packaging of this product. It indicates for what type of wallpaper this product is intended, how to plant and use it. Modern manufacturers in the composition of many types of glue introduce special antiseptics. These additives prevent the appearance of fungus and mold under the trellises. In addition, such coatings can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Adhesive for non-woven wallpaper

This type of glue has one feature: this composition does not cover the wallpaper, but the surface of the wall or ceiling. After blasting the dry sheet is applied to the wall, gently melted and leveled. Therefore, the best adhesive for non-woven wallpaper should have the following properties:

To prepare a glutinous solution, it is necessary to pour the dry substance into enameled dishes and pour a little warm water. Within 5-10 minutes, the mixture should be stirred periodically. The finished solution should be immediately applied to the wall. In the modern market of finishing materials, one of the most popular is the glue of such brands as EXCLUSIVE NON WOVEN , Quelyd , KLEO , Metylan . The consumption of the adhesive does not depend on its brand, but on the structure of the wallpaper: the thicker the sheet, the more glue it should be used.

Adhesive for vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper, consisting of two layers, heavy and viscous, so it is not very easy to glue them. As a basis for this type of glue two substances are used:

What kind of adhesive for vinyl wallpaper to choose - cheap, but less quality or more expensive, but with good adhesive properties - it's up to you. Especially popular brands of glue KLEO , PUFAS , QUELYD and some others.

Adhesive for paper wallpapers

Paper sheets for pasting walls - an environmentally friendly kind of material, which is easy to work with, but this design will be short-lived. In addition, we must remember that when gluing the tapestries quickly soak and can break. If you have purchased lightweight paper wallpaper, then glue for them should be chosen accordingly with this type of wall covering. Its cost will be the lowest in comparison with glutinous mixtures for other types of wallpaper.

During the repair it is very important that the joints of the wallpaper are well adhered. To achieve this, you can buy a special adhesive for joints of wallpaper, which will help quickly and securely fix the edges of paper sheets. This tool does not soak and does not dry up. Release it in ready to use form. Immediately after application, carefully remove excess glue with a cloth or sponge. Such a tool can be used not only for gluing paper, but also for any other kinds of wallpaper.

Adhesive for fabric wallpaper

Textile coating does not shrink during gluing, and the wet weight of the sheet is large compared to other types of wallpaper. Therefore, such fabric tapestries need to be glued with special compositions that are distinguished by a special quality and the absence of coloring pigments. Particularly in demand for such wallpaper glue is the German production of PUFAS GTV Roll-Kleber , which is packaged in packs of 200 and 500 grams. Textile wallpaper is attached in two ways: apply glue on the wall or on the canvas itself.

Glue for wallpaper silkscreen

Silkscreening is basically a paper, but for its fastening to walls it is better to choose glue for thick wallpaper. The best glue for silk wallpaper is the products of such brands as QUELYD , KLEO and others. Diluting the glue in the water, you first need to apply it to the wallpaper, then onto the wall and only then you can apply the sheets to the vertical surface.