Neck massage with osteochondrosis

Neck massage with osteochondrosis is the first measure that will help you not to suffer from unpleasant sensations and headaches. However, every time you visit a massage therapist would be quite expensive and besides, who has so much free time? .. Fortunately, neck and collar zone massage can be done on your own. Just learn the proposed movements, repeating the whole complex several times.

How to properly massage the neck?

Remember that the right neck massage should be done by soft, smooth movements, preferably on a fat cream or oil for massage . Before each session, be sure to wash your hands and occupy a comfortable position, sitting on a chair with an even back, preferably in front of the table - for elbow support. You can perform classical neck massage with one hand or two at the same time.

How to do neck massage?

After what you have prepared, you have freed your neck and shoulders from clothing, applied the cream and took a comfortable pose, you can proceed.

  1. Start with strokes of the neck from top to bottom, first barely touching, then with pressure.
  2. Lightly press the neck of the right palm on the right side, and the thumb with the left. Repeat for the other side.
  3. Grind with the tips of your fingers along the back of the neck from the top, and from the border of the hair to the back along the spine.
  4. Smash the neck, grasping the neck muscle with the thumb pads and the four others, shifting the skin toward the fingers. Kneading is done with the right hand for the left side of the neck and vice versa.
  5. After this, perform stroking the neck simultaneously with both hands from the occiput to the shoulder blades.
  6. Then the therapeutic massage of the neck moves to the front of her neck. Start by stroking the jaw to the chest, from the weak to the tangible.
  7. Rub the muscles behind your ear, and then massage the entire strip to the sternum. You can not rub the middle part of your neck!
  8. Then, break the sides of the neck (gently grasping the skin with all the fingers), while tilting the head in the opposite direction from the one where the massage is done.
  9. Next, perform gentle stroking along the mashed muscles.
  10. After that, go to soft pats on the back surface of the fingers on the back and sides of the neck.
  11. Complete the massage with grasping strokes.

Do not forget that the contra-indications of neck massage are the following: febrile condition, bad, skin diseases, inflammation of the blood and lymph vessels. In all other cases, massage will do you good!