Fungus on the walls

The fungus that appears on the walls becomes a serious problem. He is not only aesthetically unsightly and can hopelessly spoil any surface, it can also be detrimental to the health of the household. Mold is the same fungus, which is also poorly understood. He is omnipresent, penetrates into such places that you simply marvel. Every day we inhale up to five hundred mold spores , and it's in a clean room. It is necessary to fight fungus or mold on the walls not only because of the appearing spots of a yellowish-orange, greenish or black color.

Knowing what is so dangerous is the fungus living on the walls of your house, everyone should. Here is a list of diseases that are provoked by such a small half-animal-semi-plant: allergies, laryngitis, bronchitis , tracheitis, pneumonia, thrush, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, asthma, dermatitis, eczema, joint diseases, nausea, headaches, exhaustion and much more. The list is long.

Preventing the occurrence and spread of fungus

First, determine the cause of mold. And also consider how to eliminate excessive humidity in the room. Proper placement of heating and ventilation will also help in the fight against the fungus.

First aid in case of small spots can serve as vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. And it is necessary to often ventilate the room, as at the time of removal of the fungus that has sprouted on the walls, and also to prevent its occurrence. Humidity and temperature in the house must be leveled, leaving the door to the bathroom ajar. If you have a basement, then there are many means against the growth of fungus or mold on the walls, which you can handle its surface. It is also necessary to dry the basement and provide waterproofing at home. Then the mold will not reach you.

Methods of combating the fungus

If you choose folk remedies, then pay attention to the following list: a solution obtained from a half kilogram of sodium fluoride and ten liters of water, one and a half kilograms of iron vitriol, a kilogram of copper sulfate. Do not be afraid to add copper and iron vitriol to the solution in half a kilogram.

There is another solution containing two liters of acetic acid and one kilogram of copper sulfate per ten liters of water. The third method of preparing the mixture: four hundred grams of boric acid, nine hundred grams of borax and slightly less than one and a half liters of table vinegar per ten liters of water. This mixture should be heated to 50-70 ° C, then applied with a brush, or sprayed on the areas affected by the fungus.

If you processed wood, then it must be allowed to dry and repeat the procedure after a while. Only now the paint on such a tree will be very bad for a few years. Other building materials can be attacked by clerical glue, urea or copper sulfate.

Means against fungus

Due to the fact that science does not stand still, the landlady should not be helplessly planted by hands, not knowing what to process the fungus on the walls. For example, antiseptics have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Basically, these funds are produced on the basis of white spirit or turpentine.

Creosote - also an antiseptic, only on an oil base, which is suitable for processing wood. But remember, universal means for any surfaces have not yet been invented, and therefore, when acquiring a drug, find out how to use it.

Sometimes it happens that no remedy can remedy the situation to the end, and repairs are necessary. Do not forget to apply a special antifungal primer before taping the tapestry so that you do not suffer from mold afterwards.