LED Lighting

Before I start installing the LED ribbon with my own hands, I propose to find out what this is and what it is used for? Apply these tapes to illuminate any premises in the house or apartment, especially well install them in niches and hard-to-reach places. LED strip is a strip of special material, on which the LEDs are placed with a certain interval. It has a number of distinctive qualities: low power consumption, long service life, high fire safety, environmental friendliness, etc. LEDs come in a variety of colors - white, red, green, blue and multicolored.

To its merits can be attributed ease of installation - I propose to do in your apartment LED lighting with your own hands, and you will see that it is really simple. The only requirement is strict adherence to all the rules for installation and connection.

Step-by-step instruction for mounting an LED strip behind a decorative skirting board

To begin with, you can make an LED ribbon with your own hands or purchase a finished one. The first option is better - you always repair it yourself in case of a breakdown.

  1. We connect the tape to the controller with the help of special wires soldered to it.
  2. To fix the tape there is an adhesive strip, which is protected by a film - we remove it.
  3. The basis on which we will fasten the tape should be dry, clean, do not crumble - this will help her to hold on better. Gently tape the tape.
  4. The controller is covered with a ceiling skirting board.
  5. If the tape is longer in length than you need - cut off excess in a specially marked place.
  6. The next step is to connect the power supply to 220 V using terminal blocks. At the input of the power supply unit there are two L + and N- connectors. The phase is connected to L +, and zero to N-. Then connect the controller to the power supply - at the output of the power supply there are two connectors plus and minus, the same connectors are at the input to the controller. We connect all the pluses, and then all the minuses. The most important thing is not to mix up with the inputs and outputs on the controller and the power supply. The input is denoted by "input", and the output is "output".
  7. LED ceiling lighting is ready with your own hands!

The resulting LED ceiling justifies itself - it adds a space of expressiveness, emphasizes the design of the room, it looks stylish and beautiful. LED backlight can be the main source of light, and also serve as an element of decor. In any case, the apartment will no longer look boring and monotonous.