Sign of the zodiac Sagittarius - detailed description and compatibility with other signs

Sometimes it's astrology that helps to build relationships with a loved one. Knowing under what sign of the zodiac was born a colleague at work or boss, you can establish the desired contact with him. We propose to find out which character is characteristic of the Sagittarius sign.

Characteristics of the sign Sagittarius

One of the main qualities of the representative of this sign of the zodiac is activity, curiosity and adventurism. Zodiac sign Sagittarius is unconcerned, adores different adventures, and yet he is very easy to rise and does not represent his life without traveling. Even if he finds himself in unusual situations, he will certainly find a way out and find like-minded people. The open and sociable character of Sagittarius helps him through life to go easily and overcome all possible difficulties.

Representatives of this sign are honest and straightforward, and therefore sometimes not wanting to offend others. Because of these qualities, Streltsy is sometimes considered rude and ill-bred. In fact, they are very fast and unrestrained, they are enthusiastically taking on everything new. At the same time, they are restless and unstable people who can easily get carried away and just as quickly cool down to yesterday's started business.

Sagittarius Male - Characteristics

The man born under this sign is sociable, open and direct in character. For him new emotions and impressions are important, and boredom and banality always bring disappointment. Streltsov is considered a good speaker, who is very fond of speaking a lot and at the same time must be in the spotlight. Such representatives of the stronger sex can be called lucky in life, because almost everything you started can be done easily without much effort.

Man Sagittarius in love - not an ideal option because of his addiction to adventure. He will always be in search of new sensations and emotions. In addition, the male Sagittarius is very amorous. For this reason, the second half will have to show ingenuity, so that for a long time for him to remain interesting. It is also important to remember that such representatives of the stronger sex are freedom-loving and will never allow restrictions in their personal space.

Female Sagittarius - Characteristics

The horoscope says that the Sagittarius woman is an independent, powerful and very strong person . Such a representative of the fair sex will never obey, but always acts according to her own considerations and rules. It is a creative and, besides, a multifaceted woman, able to easily entice and inspire others' own ideas. She wants to remain a leader not only in the profession, but also in her personal life. Zodiac sign Sagittarius will not tolerate control and restriction of freedom.

Born under this sign of the fair sex are called perfectionists and workaholics . Such women do not like cunning and flattery, and therefore they themselves are honest with others. They recognize their shortcomings and, if necessary, others can point out their mistakes. In personal relationships, such women will not tolerate patriarchy, as they are accustomed to partnering.

Sagittarius - compatibility with other signs

If we talk about who suits Sagittarius, the answer is obvious - born under the sign of Leo and Aries. Such persons can live on an equal footing, not suppress the freedom of their partner. In these relations there will be no jealousy. Together they can create a very strong alliance, inspiring each other to accomplish. With the representatives of the signs of the Virgin and Pisces they will be able to show their own qualities as a leader. It will not be easy to get along with Sagittarians because of their desire to always be the best.

The Health of Sagittarius

The best medicine for all diseases for representatives of this sign of the zodiac is a great mood. Streltsy rarely get sick, and if this is already happening, they very quickly go to recovery. The horoscope says that the most vulnerable to the birth under this sign are the hands, the intestines, the lungs, the liver. Because of mobility, they are more likely than others to suffer injuries and accidents. However, Sagittarius's life can be long and happy, if he is less carefree.

Sagittarius - profession

Born under this sign have a unique ability to see the situation on a larger scale, detached. They will be happy to work where there is a need to make objective decisions. Of the born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, the boss will be very good, because such people know how to weigh everything and are guided by the law.

If the representative of this sign works seem uninteresting, he will do his best not to fulfill his duties. Zodiac sign Sagittarius is able to professionally engage in missionary activity, religion or philosophy. Among the most suitable for Sagittarius professions - statesman, politician, lawyer, teacher, journalist, priest, translator.

Element of the sign Sagittarius

Astrology says that Sagittarius is a sign of the element of Fire . Its features are dryness and heat, the satellites of which are energy, life, and also its strength. Fire is the main controller of the instinct, spirit, mind and thought that helps to go forward, hope, believe and uphold your own convictions. The main driving force of fire is ambition. He gives impatience, carelessness, self-confidence, courage, impetuosity and quick temper. With it, the life of the human body is maintained. In addition, he is able to answer for the temperature regime.

Representatives of this element are innate leaders who not only love, but also know how to order. Such people have strong persistence, perseverance, willfulness, intransigence, self-assertion. For such people, the profession of the chief conductor, the principal roles, will become ideal. They can not be subordinated to someone's will. They will be led only by them, although sometimes it is preferred to do from behind the scenes.

The constellation of Sagittarius

The constellation of Sagittarius is the fifth largest constellation of the zodiacal group. Among all the constellations of the sky, he has the fifteenth place. Sagittarius is located south of the celestial equator and is surrounded by such constellations - Snake, Ophiuchus, Southern Crown, Microscope. The sun passes through the constellation Sagittarius from the eighteenth of December to the nineteenth of January. It is believed that it contains a beautiful part of the Milky Way, many different globular clusters, dark and bright nebulae. It's no surprise that Sagittarius-born people are quick-tempered people with leadership qualities.

What kind of stone suits Sagittarius?

Most suitable for such stones for Sagittarius - garnet, ruby ​​and amethyst. Stone Sagittarius garnet is the guardian of fidelity and friendship. It can improve mood, protect against various natural disasters and misfortunes. This stone represents perseverance, strength, constancy and devotion. To all who want to become influential, the garnet will promote the development of endurance , courage, strength of spirit, self-esteem. With the help of this special stone, you can increase the energy reserve and find happiness in the family.

Rubin is called a stone of passion and power. Thanks to him, you can strengthen your heart, become stronger and braver. Those who have a kind heart to people, the stone prophesies success not only in deeds, but also in personal relationships. Very selfish people need to wear a ruby ​​with caution. Everyone who is looking for truth and faith or wants to resist the temptations in his life is ideal amethyst. It is an amazing stone of philosophical contemplation and inner calmness.

Talisman of Sagittarius

In the energy plan, the strongest stone for Sagittarians is the turquoise stone. He will help protect his master from possible failures in life. In addition, it has a positive effect on health, stops the inflammatory processes in the body. Turquoise will help those born under this sign to establish relationships with others. However, it is not recommended to wear turquoise in gold. Suitable as a talisman for a representative of this sign of the zodiac and chrysolite. Sagittarius is a quick-tempered and restless sign, and therefore able to balance and calm the stone will be ideal.

Tree of Sagittarius

A tree is born from the 2nd to the 11th of December is a hornbeam. They are often slender, but not very attractive people. Distinctive qualities are a desire to stand out and vanity. Such people always strive to receive honors and rewards. Among their positive qualities - honesty and sincerity, manifested in relations with colleagues and close people. They take love seriously.

All those born from December 12 to December 21 can consider figs as their trees. Such people are apparently not very beautiful, but very original and therefore attract attention. Born at this time people are very sensitive and not adapted to life. They need warm relations and constant support from relatives. Sagittarius is a sign with leadership qualities, but a born in this period can often ache and be very vulnerable in life.

Appearing on the light on December 21 or 22 call their tree beech. Such people are successful and are able to adapt themselves in life. In addition, they are considered materialists, since they pay a lot of attention to material values. From such people, caring family men can turn out. Those born under the sign of the beech are economical, but love to spend their free time with pleasure.

The Flower of Sagittarius

Most of garden plants for Sagittarius are suitable dahlias and gladioli. The first is capable of clearing the living space of representatives of this sign from laziness, which sometimes hinders them. Thanks to this luxurious flower, Sagittarians will be able to speed up the work processes, strengthen the defenses of the body, improve health. Gladiolus can open a person to the spiritual world , help calm nerves, calm down negative emotions and passions.