Scales and Pisces - compatibility in bed, love relationships, friendship and work

Find full information about whether it is possible to understand the signs of Libra and Pisces, the compatibility of which is minimal, you can. Being opposite signs with polar views on life, such an alliance - Pisces and Libra - can turn out to be both passionate and intense, and tedious, annoying.

Scales and Pisces - compatibility in a romantic relationship

Empathy, the ability to listen to a partner, do not limit freedom, can help to find the harmony of Libra and Pisces. The compatibility of signs sometimes depends solely on the individual characteristics of people. Attaching maximum efforts to finding a compromise, you can acquire a unique spiritual connection. Find points of contact in a romantic relationship to representatives of Libra and Pisces can, but it happens rarely. An important role is played by:

Only a truly in love Libra and Pisces can achieve a lasting union. Compatibility in love is possible if there is sympathy, mercy, constant development of partners. The more common goals a couple will have, the stronger will be their relationship with each passing day. Mostly, the sad conclusion is the early marriage.

Fish and Libra - compatibility in sex

Sexual relations of signs are something completely mysterious, compared to other people. If for most people physical pull is important, then Pisces and Libra in sex value emotionality and sensuality. Thanks to the developed imagination of both partners, they can turn the act of love into a real art. Sexual compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac of Pisces and Libra does not tolerate rudeness, harshness and straightforwardness.

Scales and Pisces - Compatibility in Marriage

The secret of successful relationships lies in the ability of a logical, rational, thoughtful representative of Libra to listen to emotional, quick-tempered and harsh Pisces. Often, none of the signs is ready to accept the rules of the game of the other, which leads to the destruction of marriage. The main problems of signs:

But, and among the barrel of tar is a spoonful of honey. Providing order, comfort, coziness give each other a woman Libra, a man of Pisces. Compatibility in the marriage of such a tandem is much higher than in the opposite version. Partners need to learn how to solve existing problems together, without making hasty conclusions. Failure to comply with the principles will lead to conflicts, quarrels.

Scales and Pisces - Compatibility in Friendship

Find true friends among the representatives of Libra and Pisces, basically, it is difficult. The main obstacles in building friendship are:

Points of contact of signs are love of all kinds of art and sympathy for a quiet pastime. Sometimes representatives of signs use each other to achieve goals, manipulations, intrigues. Often even the awareness of manipulation does not stop the signs from stopping communication. Fish and Libra can become good friends, but they can not switch to another, more trusting, level.

Scales and Pisces in work

The answer to the question: are Libra and Pisces compatible in the work sphere, consists of two words - retention of the distance. Only thanks to the personal distance between the signs, you can get good partners and colleagues. Both representatives are not enthusiastic and have an excessive desire to work, so they will not be able to manage.