Perfect woman by the zodiac sign

We try in every possible way to find the ideal partner, a soul mate, a person with whom you can sincerely share your whole life. In this we are helped by fortune telling , numerological calculations by date of birth and name, as well as horoscopes. So, let's start defining the ideal woman by the zodiac sign. But, remember that for every masculine sign, there will be an ideal.

Looking for a half


Woman-Aries is very ambitious, tactful and sensitive to inattention. Roughness and betrayal, they do not forgive, but their men are promoted in every way on the career ladder. It may seem that Aries are frivolous and amorous, but if they are in love sincerely, then this is forever. After Scorpio, Aries is the sexiest sign of the zodiac in women.


The Taurus woman is very sensitive to her status as a married woman, so if someone marries her, then divorce, without her desire to fail. They skillfully manage to smooth out problems, not to conflict. Fine housewives creating coziness, but demanding in return for material support and due respect.


The Twin Woman is a great mother who will always extinguish her emotions for the sake of children. Demanding to the material side of marriage, they are usually very beautiful and creative.


Women-Cancers are passionate lovers, but after becoming wives, they love children more than their husbands. Cancers are one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac among women, they always clean and smell of delicious food at home, they easily accept their colleagues and friends.


The Lion-woman educates not only her children, but her husband. Beautiful, talented in everything, even cooking. They are characterized by constant demand for attention and material support. Leo is another leader among the zodiac signs of women in bed.


Representatives of this sign are often with their husbands cynical, prudent. Their mind goes ahead of emotions, and most importantly for them is personal health and cleanliness in the house.


Women-Libra marry only for wealthy men in perspective. They are very jealous, they demand attention to themselves, in the first place put a home cosiness, and then love.


Dynamic women, always in need of movement. Children are considered a continuation of love and treat them very much. A husband will be faithful only if he answers the same. Change is not forgiven.


For husbands, the Sagittarius woman is a true friend, ally. Sociable, can not without personal freedom, do not tolerate suspicion of treason. Good housewives are the ideal woman for the zodiac sign for men, who, above all, appreciate when they are understood and recognized.


Choose influential husbands. Do not stand criticism, because they criticize themselves, and home comfort is perceived as the highest manifestation of love. Do not change, but are aggressive towards your home.


Aquarius women will never agree with saying "paradise in a hut", they are very demanding on the salary of her husband. Loving mothers and housewives, if the husband will provide stability, will spoil the exquisite cuisine.


Pisces has the most faithful and devoted character of a woman on the zodiac sign. They are flattering, completely devoted to love and in need of passionate love, which they put higher than the house and family.

When do signs change?

For the representatives of the air element (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius), any potential man is a superhero. And when it is possible to consider it closer, there is disappointment, which is the cause of betrayal.

Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo and Aries) always strive for independence, and treason is a way to prove one's freedom. If your love triangle is created by the representative of the water element - Pisces, Scorpions, Cancers, you should be afraid most of all, because they are inventive, sexy and are able to throw dust in the eyes. Not in vain, it is the Scorpions are recognized razluchnitsami number 1 among all the signs of the zodiac.