Air Bead

Today it is very popular to make various decorations with your own hands, one of them is "air".

How to weave necklace-air from beads with your own hands?

"Air" is a three-dimensional necklace made of beads and other materials, which equally well matches the summer sarafan, evening dress and jeans. The name of the necklace was received for its appearance: on a thin transparent line, tied with a hook, as if in the air beads, lenses and beads hanging.

You will need:

Necklace-air of beads: a master class

  1. Pour the beads and beads into a wide container and think out their combination.
  2. We take a roll of fishing line and thread on it beads and beads. The main thing is not to cut the fishing line to the end of the work and make sure that it does not get tangled.
  3. When everything is strung, leave 50-70 cm of free fishing line from the edge and we crochet 2-3 air loops on it.
  4. We move the bead to the hook and after it we hang a free air loop, without pulling off the eyelets.
  5. Near the large beads on both sides we sew 3-5 empty air loops. In the process of knitting chains for greater "airiness" you can periodically leave empty loops.
  6. As ready, for convenience of work, knitting is reeled on a stick or ruler.
  7. When all the strung beads were knotted, we close the last loop and cut off the line with a margin of 50-70 cm.
  8. Take a large cardboard and draw an equilateral trapezoid, with the bases 40 cm and 50 cm, depending on what you want to get. The number of threads will depend on the length of the line with the beads.
  9. We stick a pin in the upper left corner of the trapezium, fix on it the beginning of the workpiece from the fishing line and beads, going down, laying the fishing line with a snake, wrapping around the pins inserted along the edge of the trapezoid.
  10. After the whole line with the beads was distributed, the end of the workpiece is fixed in the lower left corner.
  11. On the hook, which they knit, string all the loops on pins on one side.
  12. We remove pins and sew all the loops on the hook with a fishing line.
  13. We do the same on the other side.
  14. We fasten the lock.

Necklace - air from beads ready! Woven of white pearls, it can become an exclusive version of the wedding necklace .

Changing beads, crystals, beads, the number of threads and using various interesting techniques can each time get interesting and unique jewelry.