Ajapsandal - recipe

With the arrival of spring, many of us want to eat as much vegetables as possible, which in winter time in the diet of most people is not enough. And, of course, vegetables should not only be useful, but also delicious. These two criteria are met by the oriental ajapsandal dish, which is quite easy to prepare.

Ajapsedal in Georgian

So, if you need a delicious vegetable garnish for meat and fish, or an easy and useful dinner, we'll tell you how to cook ajapsandal.



Cut the eggplant into large pieces, season with salt and let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse and wring out. Peel the onions and potatoes, remove the pith from the peppers, and simmer the tomatoes with boiling water and peel them off. All the vegetables cut into small pieces, wash the greens and cut them too finely, and pass the garlic through the press.

First fry the potatoes in butter for about 5 minutes, then add the eggplant and cook as much. Then, put them in a saucepan and send greens there. In a frying pan for 5 minutes fry the onion, add pepper and tomatoes to it and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Put the vegetables in a pot to the potatoes and eggplant, season with salt and garlic. Put the dish on the fire, bring to a boil and turn it off. Serve ajapsandal to the table in a hot form.

Ajapsandal with meat - recipe

Although ajapsandal is considered a vegetable dish, many people like to add meat to it during cooking, thereby getting a hearty dish for a full dinner. If you prefer this option, we will share a recipe for how to cook ajapsandal with meat.



Eggplant cut into small cubes and place in salt water for 1 hour. After that, squeeze them well. Peel potatoes from the skin, pepper - from seeds and also cut into cubes. Also do the meat. Onion chop half rings, and carrots - circles. Tomatoes pour boiling water, remove from them peel and cut into large slices.

In the pan, lay out the ingredients in the following order: first meat, then onions with carrots, then potatoes, eggplant and bell peppers. Sprinkle each layer with salt and pepper. Last put the tomatoes, cover the pan with a lid and put on a small fire. The cooking time is about 2-2.5 hours. At the end sprinkle the ajapsandal with finely chopped herbs and serve to the table in a warm form.

Ajapsandal in the multivariate



Cut the eggplants in small cubes, salt and place in the refrigerator. Carrot and onion clean and chop finely, Bulgarian pepper - straws, and leeks - rings. All vegetables, except eggplant, put in a bowl multivarki, pouring before there a little oil, turn on the "Baking" and cook for 15 minutes, sometimes stirring.

After this time, send the eggplant to the bowl, and start the "Baking" mode again, but for 20 minutes. At this time, greens and garlic chop finely. Tomatoes are covered with boiling water, peeled and cut into cubes. Mix these ingredients, season with salt, pepper and spices, and after the end of the regime, send them to the multivark. Mix all its contents and set the "Quenching" mode to 45-50 minutes. When your food is ready, put it on a dish and treat your loved ones.