How to increase body temperature?

Somehow the ministries of health of various European countries conducted a sociological survey on the topic, "Which three processes of the body are responsible for its normal functioning?". People on the street were asked one simple question: "Without what, in your opinion, a person can not live?" After the calculations, comparisons and generalizations, the following was found. 90 percent of European residents believe that life is impossible without breathing, eating and sleeping. It's difficult to argue with this. Another 10 percent said that the three above mentioned factors need to add the work of the heart. And this is also true. But here's the paradox, none of the survey participants remembered the thermoregulation, but it's a pity. After all, it is the presence of a normal stable body temperature and guarantees a normal sleep, the full assimilation of nutrients, the uninterrupted operation of the cardiovascular system and the lungs. And when we happen to get sick, the first reaction of immunity to foreign elements is a sharp and rapid temperature jump. However, the temperature can not only jump up, but also fall. And in this case it needs to be raised quickly. Otherwise, the irreparable can come. Let's talk today about how to raise body temperature with hypothermia and on a thermometer, if suddenly I wanted to arrange an unplanned weekend at school, university or at work.

Why does my body temperature drop?

But before talking about ways how quickly and safely to raise body temperature, you need to understand the reasons for its fall. After all, hypothermia is a symptom, a consequence of some state or illness, and not an independent disease. Eliminating the cause, we will get rid of the symptom. So, the decrease in the normal temperature is possible in the following cases.

  1. Endocrine disorders. There is a small, but very important gland in the brain, the pituitary gland. It controls the entire hormonal sphere of the human body. If it fails in the direction of hypofunction, then all processes in the body slow down. Slower digestion of food takes place, the heart slowly works, metabolic processes take place more slowly. Accordingly, the body temperature can also drop to 35 ° C.
  2. Severe overwork. With excessive prolonged physical exertion, body temperature can also drop. This is a protective function of the body. A little time later, if you create a rest environment, the temperature will recover.
  3. Overwork of immunity. It happens if a person has been sick for a long time. The body fought, fought, and finally, so exhausted, that further without a respite can no longer.
  4. General hypothermia. Well, it's quite simple. He left the house dressed not for the weather, froze, and come back or laziness, or does not work.

And now we will consider what needs to be done to increase the body temperature in each of these cases.

What can I do to increase my body's temperature?

Acting should be based on each specific situation. If the hypothermia is connected with hormonal disturbance it is necessary to address to the endocrinologist. The doctor will choose you hormone replacement therapy. If the reason lies in the decay of forces, after hard work, it is worth choosing a long passive rest. Steer your feet in mustard, put on warm woolen socks and a terry robe, drink hot tea with honey and raspberry jam, and go to bed under a thick quilt. Give yourself a good sleep, sleep in this case is the best medicine. Also should be done and with prolonged stay in the cold. Well, if hypothermia is associated with a weakened immune system, then drugs that increase body temperature, called pyrogenic, will help you.

How to raise the temperature on a thermometer?

And what can I do to raise the body temperature on a thermometer when I want to arrange an off-schedule day off? There are several tricks on this score. Here's how to safely and permanently raise the body temperature artificially. Take a little salt or pepper and rub your armpits. Another way is to eat a little graphite or a piece of unrefined sugar with 3-4 drops of iodine. And, at last, the most simple variant, to execute a series of active movements, running, jumps, power exercises. In all these cases, the body temperature can rise by 1-1.5 ° C, and we do not need more. Just remember that such artificial hyperthermic procedures severely deplete the body and lead to a decrease in its immunity. Maybe it's better not to take chances?