Pecilia - reproduction, tips for breeding live-bearing fish

One of the most popular aquarium fish are pecilia, the reproduction of which occurs without creating special conditions. There are several types of differing variety of colors and forms. In addition, they are unpretentious and beautiful, to get offspring very easily.

What does a pecilia look like?

Fish of this type are small, and their body length reaches 3.5-5 cm. When creating suitable conditions, they live for 3-4 years. In nature, they are distributed in the territory of South America, Mexico and Guatemala. When maintaining aquarium pecilia, it is necessary to observe a number of rules:

  1. They are unpretentious and stand out for good survival. The minimum volume of a suitable vessel is 40-50 liters. Between the fish do not conflict, unlike other viviparous species.
  2. For the life of pecilia, the reproduction and development of fingerlings, the parameters of water do not play a special role. Ideal is a medium hardness fluid (15-30 dGH), with acidity of pH 7-8.3, and as for temperature, the appropriate value is 22-25 ° C. It is recommended to replace up to 20% of water every day. It is desirable to filter and aerate.
  3. If the aquarium is small, then it can be placed on the sunny side during the day, then it is better to hide it from direct rays of the sun, using different methods, for example, frosted glass.
  4. Pecilia get along well with other fish, but it's better not to settle with predators, as they can become easy prey.
  5. For the safe life of pecilia, reproduction and rearing of fry, it is recommended to cover the aquarium with a lid, but it should be with holes for oxygen. This is explained by the fact that during the game and chasing each other, fish can jump out of the vessel.

Varieties of pecilia

This genus is popular because it includes 33 species and a huge number of hybrid forms. The variety is different in color variants and body shape. Among the common types of pecilia are found multicolor, black, green, yellow, blue, gold and red individuals. When targeting the shape of the body and fins, classical mollieses, radishes and balloons are distinguished. Let us dwell on the description of the most popular variants:

  1. Pecilia black has a beautiful color with the original blue or green color. It was obtained by selection. Reproduction and care does not require special conditions.
  2. Disc pecilia has a shortened and slightly flattened body. It was also brought out by breeders.
  3. Pecilia balloon is considered the most unusual, because it has a rounded body with a curved spine. Such fish can be golden, marble, silvery, black and red. It should be said that as a result of reproduction, fry are born with a straight spine, and it deforms with age.

How do pecilia breed?

This species refers to viviparous types, that is, fertilization, and the frying of fry occurs within the female, as in humans. Breeding of pecilia can be carried out as with other fish, or separately. You can use three approaches:

  1. The pregnant individual is planted in a separate spawning grounds, and when the offspring is born and grows up a little, it is necessary to choose strong and strong individuals and transplant them into a common aquarium, and to dispose of the weak representatives of the offspring.
  2. Pecilia, the reproduction of which does not require the creation of special conditions, can remain in the public aquarium and then the fry themselves will fight with other inhabitants of the reservoir and the strongest survive. Use this option is only possible if the neighbors are not aggressive.
  3. If the owner wants to multiply selected offspring of a certain color, then it is necessary to prepare several nurseries. Future parents should be in special reservoirs and each fertilized female should be planted in a separate spawning site. It is important to closely monitor the fry and in time to sort them by color.

Pecilia - how to distinguish a male from a female?

Unlike other species, determining the sex of the individual in this case will be easy. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the basic signs concerning how to determine the gender of the pecilia.

  1. The first thing that a female representative issues is a large size, and the difference is significant. In addition, females have a fuller and more rounded abdomen.
  2. Fish pecilia, reproduction of which occurs without much effort, differ in the presence of male gonopodia (genital organ), which is located at the anus and is mobile. In anal females, the anal fin is wider.
  3. Some species have pronounced differences in color.

Pregnant Pecilia

It is easy to breed such fish, since it is not necessary to create any special conditions. Many believe that the main sign of a pregnant pecilia is a big belly, but in fact it is not, because it can grow if the fish is eaten snugly. There are changes in color or behavior. And if there are such pecilia, from their further reproduction can be carried out in a public aquarium, taking care of shelter.

How to determine the pregnancy of pecilia?

If the owner of aquariums wants to ensure regular breeding, then it is necessary to have three females and one male. Note that this species is capable of producing offspring every month. Finding out what a pregnant pecilia looks like, it's worth pointing to the rounded tummy, but to confirm this symptom it is recommended not to feed the fish for a day and watch the abdomen disappear or not. In addition, there is a more obvious sign that the individual is ready for reproduction - the color of the body changes near the anal fin.

Pregnancy of pecilia - term

It has already been mentioned that this species can produce offspring often. Pregnant pecilia nurtures fry for about 28 days, and a couple of days after birth, the female is again ready for fertilization. Aquarium fish can spawn for a year to several times. At the time of birth, up to 30 to 80 fry can be produced.

Pecilia before childbirth

Before the individual is ready to produce fry, the belly will become large and take an angular shape. Pisces fish will have a more noticeable pregnancy spot, which is located near the anal fin. Every day it will become brighter. In addition, the female before reproduction will begin to behave restlessly and she will have a desire to hide in a secluded place.

How to give birth to pecilia?

When all the signs indicating the birth have appeared, if desired, you can transplant the female into spawning grounds. It can be a separate aquarium in volume of 1,5-3 l, for example, a glass jar or a plastic bottle. Reproduction of the fish of the pecilia implies the labeling of the fry for several days. The female gives out one mala with interruptions. After that, it is better to return it to a common aquarium, because there is a high risk that she will eat her offspring.

Fries of Pecilia - Care

There are several recommendations that are important to adhere to in order for babies to develop well. If a person does not know how to grow fries of pecilia, then there is a risk that they will die. It is recommended to create suitable conditions for the content and to properly care for the younger generation. The fries of the pecilia have a wide body, which differs in shape from other viviparous species.

After the birth, at first the fry will stay in a flock and be closer to the water surface. This is explained by the fact that they are shy, so they react lightly to any changes occurring behind the glass. Given this, experts recommend that you do not need to stand next to the aquarium, wave your hands and create other annoying phenomena. Do not put a container with the kids near the TV.

How much is growing male peacelia?

If the right conditions are created, then the babies will develop quickly and well. For those who are interested in how fast the fries of pecilia grow, it is worth noting that in most cases they become large after 1.5-2 months, and they will give their offspring in 3-4 months. To accelerate the growth of children, it is recommended to place them in a large vessel. In addition, it is worthwhile to ensure that the water is fresh and not cold, as it is proved that if the temperature is 3-4 degrees colder than the above mentioned norm, then growth may slow down by half. It is best to choose a live food.

How to care for fingerlings?

In the rider, where the babies will develop, it is recommended to put a filter , a small heating pad and a compressor . You can abandon the soil, because it will quickly pollute the water, but the plants are mandatory and it is better to give preference to the hornwort . Kids love different algae and bushes, which will serve as an excellent shelter. Pecilia in the aquarium will develop well, most importantly, do not forget about the proper feeding.

What to feed the fries of the pecilia?

Babies are born formed, so they can be fed with adult food. For proper and rapid growth, a living food is best suited. In pet stores there is a special food for the young. Finding out what to feed the fries of pecilia in the first days, it is worth pointing out that it is better to give food often. It is important to ensure that the portion was eaten at a time, otherwise the food will deteriorate, which will negatively affect the condition of the water, and this is a danger to the kids. If there is no possibility to purchase food, then it is temporarily possible to feed the young, squeezed through gauze, with yolk.