Forcing - reproduction by cuttings

After leaving the winter, I really want the site to become covered with flowers and greens more quickly, but quite often it takes a long time to look at the gray-brown branches of trees. Add bright colors in such a dreary landscape will help the bush forcing , which is covered with yellow flowers in April.

The easiest way to get on your site ornamental shrub forcing is reproduction by means of cuttings. Let us consider in more detail how it is carried out.

Reproduction of Forst bush

In the reproduction of this shrub you can use both green cuttings and lignified ones.

In order not to waste time on storage, cuttings should be cut in June. For this purpose, healthy green annual shoots are suitable, which should be divided into 20 cm lengths. Then, the lower end should be placed for a short time in a solution with a growth stimulant (for example, the rootstock). For rooting, the prepared stalk can be planted in the open ground, only after dredging and moistening the soil, or in a transparent seedling box filled with a mixture of earth and sand. Deepen the soil into the ground with a slope of 2-3 cm and cover. During the first month it is necessary to water regularly, and on hot days to arrange cuttings shading.

If disembarkation to a permanent place is planned in the autumn, then it should be repaired with a clod of land. If after the winter, the forcing should be covered with straw or burr.

The lignified cuttings are cut in the second half of autumn. To do this, thick branches are used, which are made by 15-20 cm. They can be immediately planted in the ground, by drowning by 10 cm, or stored in a cool place. When autumn planting cuttings fozitsiyu for the winter period should be covered (straw or foliage). The transplantation to the permanent place of the seedlings obtained in this way is carried out in the beginning of autumn. If the cuttings were in a state of rest in winter, then they should be planted in the ground in May, having previously updated the cut.

Reproduction of forcing almost always goes well, even without keeping the cuttings in the water.