Rice for Rolls - recipe

If you are an amateur and a connoisseur of Japanese cuisine, you probably have sometimes thought about preparing your own rolls . But many people, after learning how to cook rice for rolls at home, immediately abandon this venture. So, let's look into this together!

Rice recipe for rolls



Rice thoroughly rinsed, poured into a bucket and poured filtered cold water. We lower a piece of nori, put the dishes on a strong fire and bring to a boil. Then the leaf is carefully taken out, covered with a lid, we reduce the heat and boil the rice for 15 minutes. When all the liquid is completely absorbed, remove the saucepan from the plate and add rice vinegar. Thoroughly mix rice with a spatula and let it cool down, and this time we are preparing the filling for rolls.

How correctly to cook rice for rolls?


For refueling:


The rice is washed very well, thrown into a saucepan, poured with water and left for 20 minutes, so that it, as it should, was saturated with moisture. Then again it is washed and poured cold water. We send the dishes to the fire and bring to a boil under the closed lid. After that, we subtract a little flame and cook the rice for 15 minutes. Then turn off the fire and insist rice for another 10 minutes. Without losing time, we prepare the gas station. To do this, mix warm water with sugar, pour in the vinegar and reshape until the crystals dissolve completely. Hot rice put in a wide cup, pour in the dressing and chopping the blade with all the blades. We give the groats a little cool down, and we move on to preparing the rolls.

How to cook rice for rolls in a multivariate?



So, rinse thoroughly, pour filtered water and leave for 30 minutes to swell. Then again, rice is washed, squeezed and put in a bowl multivarka. Fill the rump with cold water, and close the lid. We select the program "Buckwheat" on the device and detect exactly 10 minutes. After the sound signal, select the "Quenching" mode and insist another 20 minutes. After this, we cool the groats and go to the preparation of the filling for home rolls .