Pizza with mushrooms

Home pizza with mushrooms is one of the most popular dishes in the world. Any pizza is first of all baked, so it does not require any garnish. In addition, pizza with mushrooms has a fairly high calorie content, so it is an excellent lunch. In general, Italian cuisine was formed on the basis of the need to quickly and simply prepare a hearty dish from the most affordable products. Of course, such wishes for food are expressed not only by Italians, so let's learn how to cook pizza with mushrooms.

Homemade pizza with mushrooms



Preparation of pizza with mushrooms begins with a dough. To make the yeast better, water can be slightly heated, but not more than 32-35 degrees. Now dissolve the yeast in half a glass of water and let them "come to life" for 20 minutes. At this time, carefully mix 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and tomato paste (the paste can be replaced with tomato sauce).

The resulting mass must be beaten until it becomes thick, like sour cream, and homogeneous. Then you can add salt, 100 g of water and our yeast ready yeast, carefully place and pour in the flour. A little tip: for any baking and even for sauce, flour is best sifted through a sieve, then it will get rid of debris, become airy and more evenly disperse. From such small things in many ways depends, will be your pizza with mushrooms delicious and soft or harsh. Flour is filled up gradually, in small portions, while it is necessary to continue mixing the mass, so that no lumps will form. To knead a dough, it takes a lot of effort, but it's worth it.

You need to understand what pizza and mushrooms are like - the recipe for cooking is more than half of the dough. The more work you put into it, the softer and more appetizing pizza will turn out. Remember the famous shots - before you make a pizza with mushrooms, cooks crumble for a long time and twist even the already rolled pancake. We leave the ready dough for 40 minutes to rise, then roll it out and lay it on a baking tray, making small "sides" so that the filling does not leak out.

Pizza filling with mushrooms

The filling for pizza with mushrooms is simple: just cut all the ingredients and fry them in oil. Cheese for the time being put off - he will finish the process. The filling is evenly spread out over the dough in a baking sheet - it is possible to start the layers with mushrooms, or immediately mix everything. In the first case, salt and pepper are poured already on top of the pizza, in the second - added with stirring. When the filling is laid out, generously sprinkle it with grated cheese - it is better to take mozzarella. To get a crisp, smear the entire surface of the future pizza, and then put it in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Now you know how to cook pizza with mushrooms.

Now we have considered the main recipe, but, of course, it can be changed. It's not for nothing that they joke about pizza, that it is cooked when a lot of different leftovers are left in the refrigerator. You can try everything yourself and choose how to make pizza with mushrooms - for example, add Bulgarian pepper or experiment with different mushrooms or cook pizza with champignons . One thing remains unchanged - the dough. Many people prefer to buy it, but not to cook it, but this is far from the best option, since frozen dough will never be compared to a home dough, when the desire to please loved ones is invested in it.