Metal siding for stone

One of the types of facing material, widely enough on the market of building materials, is metal siding . It is made of galvanized steel, which is additionally coated with a special polymer composition. Outwardly, these are shaped panels of a certain size with a specific fastening system. To meet consumer demand, this cladding material can be produced in a variety of colors, as well as with imitation of various textures of natural finishing materials. The metal siding under the stone is also very popular.

Characteristics of metal siding under the stone

Possessing all the positive qualities of natural stone - resistance to adverse effects of the environment and mechanical damage, fire safety, ease of care, durability - metal siding for stone has a number of additional advantages. Perhaps the main of the additional advantages of metal siding in front of natural stone can be called simplicity of installation and low cost of material (the comparative price of a square meter of metal-finishing is several times lower than the finishing with natural stone). At the same time, the aesthetic side of the issue does not suffer at all.

Metal siding is used for stone, as a rule, for facing industrial buildings. In private construction metal siding under the stone is more practical to use for finishing the socle. Since the basement of houses is most affected by external factors (for example, from rain), the metal socle siding under the stone is an ideal protection option. It does not let moisture pass, but at the same time it freely passes air.