Pain in the region of the heart

The pain comes as a signal that the body is not all right, and it is necessary to find the cause. Keep in mind that the cause of pain in the heart is not always the disease of the cardiovascular system.

Classification of pain in the region of the heart

If you feel pain in the heart, try to describe these pains as accurately as possible. Listen to it, determine its intensity, note the duration. What sensations does it cause - cutting, stitching, burning, pressing, bursting? Perhaps you feel dull, aching pain in the heart, or is it sharp, growing?

Analyze the circumstances after which there was pain. It is important what condition accompanies this pain (weakness, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, fear of death, etc.).

Causes of pain, possible diseases

We shall understand, what can be the reasons of a pain in the field of heart, and we shall consider some possible or probable diagnoses.

Pain in the heart can be divided into two groups: cardiac and non-cardiac. The fact is that in the nervous system all nerve endings are interconnected and move away from one trunk, therefore the diseased organ can give a pain signal to another, healthy organ.

Heart pains

Heart pain is a symptom of a disease such as angina (pressing, compressive pain in the heart). This pain usually occurs with physical exertion, lasts for a short time (about a minute) and calms down at rest.

  1. Pericarditis is accompanied by the emergence of acute, stitching pain in the region of the heart. In this case, often a febrile condition, malaise.
  2. Myocardial infarction manifests itself in different ways - it can be a sharp pain in the heart, very strong, burning, or maybe stupid, with numbness of the wrists. Pain sensations wavy, prolonged.
  3. The prolapse of the mitral valve is a moderate, dull, bursting pain. For this disease, headaches, pressure fluctuations, increased fatigue are typical.

Non-cardiac pain

Non-cardiac pains are not eliminated by cardiac drugs, but are treated in the treatment of the underlying disease. For example, pain in the heart can be indicative of diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.

  1. Herpes zoster (herpes zoster) often causes severe pain in the heart area.
  2. Infringement of nerves and damage to the ribs (bruises, fractures) can cause pain, which is enhanced by palpation.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic parts of the spine causes a prolonged intense pain in the left part of the thorax, which also gives the area of ​​the scapula and also changes its character when moving parts of the body.
  4. Burning pain in the heart is possible because of heartburn. In this case, the pain is long, accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth, increases in the supine position.
  5. Sign of pleurisy and pneumonia is acute pain in the region of the heart, which increases with inspiration and coughing.
  6. Cardioneurosis, a disorder of the central nervous system after mental shocks, accompanies a aching pain in the heart area, namely in its apex. In this case, there are other symptoms - increased anxiety, weakness.

Treatment for pain in the region of the heart

Emergency help is needed:

To clarify the cause and purpose of treatment for pain in the heart, a thorough investigation is needed. It can include the passage of an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart), phonocardiography (study of cardiac murmurs). To exclude non-cardiac causes of pain, consultation of specialists from other fields of medicine is often required.

If the pain in the heart can not find an explanation - start treatment with a lifestyle correction - the rejection of bad habits, a healthy diet, a full rest.