Plaster of Dikul

Anyone who has at least once experienced pain in the joints, the spine, knows perfectly well that tolerating it can be unbearable. Painful feelings knock a person out of normal life, immobilized. The most unpleasant thing is that they can not always cope with them even with the help of powerful painkillers. Plaster Dikul - one of those means that come to the rescue in a difficult moment and work.

How was Dikul's medical plaster invented?

The person who created this plaster, many are ready to put a monument. This tool, unlike most of its analogues, does help: relieves pain, quickly returns to normal life and prevents relapses. The secret of success is simple, and it lies in the understanding!

For a long time, the author of the plaster - Valentin Dikul - worked in the circus. Both he and many of his colleagues regularly suffered from injuries and strains. Since skipping trainings was not at hand, and training with injuries was not always successful, Valentin began to prepare self-healing ointments on his own. By the way, the latter are still popular.

Plasters Valentine Dikul - more modernized invention. Although ointments and balms act very effectively, not every patient they are suitable for. Most people do not have enough time to first gently rub the product into the skin for a while, and then wait until it absorbs. Simply put, plasters are designed for those who can not get out of the modern rhythm of life.

Warmer patch of Valentine Dikul

To this tool for help apply most often. The plaster quickly relieves pain and produces a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Its huge plus is a long-lasting action.

The composition of the heating patch Dikul includes such components:

The tool is shown to be used for such problems:

Use of the plaster promotes better circulation of lymph and blood. Component funds also help to restore metabolic processes in tissues.

Cooling plaster of Dikul

The compositions of the cooling and heating patch are very similar. The main difference is the presence of pepper extract in the latter. Appoints a cooling plaster Dikul to patients with such problems:

The patch works gently, effectively softening and dissolving thus edemas. Like the warming agent, the cooling patch helps to restore the metabolic processes occurring in the tissues.

Application of Dikul plaster

Use a plaster is very simple: just remove the protective film from it and stick it on the affected area. Change patches need not more often a couple of times a day. In order to keep them strong, you can remove hair from the affected area of ​​the skin. But this is an extreme measure, which not everyone has to resort to.

Plasters Dikul not addictive. After them, there are no traces of either the skin or clothing.

Contraindications to the use of plasters Dikul

As with any other medicine, Dikul's patches have some contraindications, which you should pay attention to before applying the remedy:

  1. Bandages should not be used by children under seven years of age.
  2. To delay with treatment it is necessary to those on whom on a skin (there where there will be pasted a plaster) there are sores and abrasions.
  3. It will be necessary to completely stop using patches for those who suffer from individual intolerance of certain components of the composition.