Phobias of pregnant women - fear has big eyes

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. Hormonal rearrangements occurring in the body sometimes cause serious disturbances in perception of the surrounding world, which entails ambiguous reactions from the pregnant woman. Many future mothers become extremely touchy, vulnerable, irritable and anxious. In addition, a woman during the bearing of a child feels a double responsibility: she must endure and give birth to a healthy baby and maintain her health in order to provide the future son or daughter with good care and decent upbringing. Let's try to consider the most common phobias (obsessive fears) of pregnant women and analyze how much they are justified.

Fear of miscarriage

The fear that pregnancy suddenly aborts is perhaps the most common phobia. And the occurrence of fear in this case does not affect whether pregnancy is the first or the woman already has children.


Experts consider the first trimester to be the most dangerous period for spontaneous termination of pregnancy. But if a woman does not belong to a "risk group", then the probability of such trouble is very small. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, a sparing regimen negates the threat of miscarriage.

Fear of a child with a pathology

This phobia tortures many future mothers. In the body of a woman, a small person develops, but it is not in a position to control this process. Even if the observing physician is convinced that all the tests correspond to the norm, examinations and ultrasound indicate that the fetus develops well, the pregnant woman experiences anxiety.


The level of modern medicine allows you to monitor and correct the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman and determine serious violations in the development of the fetus with almost 100% probability. Each future mother at 10-13 and 16-20 weeks undergoes a screening examination , excluding the chromosomal pathology of the bearing child.

Fear of impending birth

This phobia is inherent in nulliparous, most often very young ladies. The young girl learns about the birth pains from girlfriends, older relatives, and the expectation of terrible pain remains in her subconscious.


Childbirth - a significant strain for the body of a woman, but, having set themselves psychologically, having learned about how to behave properly during the passage of labor, it is possible to level pain. Visiting the courses for future mothers will enable them to master effective techniques of self-anesthetic delivery.

The fear of losing attractiveness

Often, women fear that after giving birth they will not be able to regain their former harmony, and they also worry that the husband will lose sexual interest.


Proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity during pregnancy make it impossible to gain weight beyond measure. In addition, after the birth of a child, you can always take care of your figure and bring your parameters to those that were before pregnancy. Well, about the wife can not worry! It turns out that very many men find pregnant women very attractive. If there is no doctor's testimony, continue the sex life. If there is a fear that stretch the muscles of the vagina, we hasten to reassure you that exercises on the technique of Keglie on relaxation and tension of this group of muscles return the vagina to the prenatal state.

Spouses and relatives of a pregnant woman need to remember how important the emotional background with which a woman enters into pregnancy. To support the future mother should emphasize the desire of the birth of a child, take care of her and try to communicate in the family happening in a positive way.