Bright feces - a sign of what the child?

Atypical color of a chair in children causes anxiety and even panic in parents. If the bowel movement is white, then it can talk about different problems. It is worth considering in more detail why the child has a light feces.

In children up to a year, this phenomenon is extremely rare. Typically, a normal chair at this age is light brown in color. But if the mother introduces complementary food, then the chair, indeed, can become very light in color. In addition, babies at this age experience dysbacteriosis, and not only the color of the stool, but also its structure change. Changes in the color of stool are more common in older children.

Causes of light stools in children

Be careful, it is possible that the child has hepatitis. But, in addition to discoloration of feces, this disease is accompanied by a darkening of the urine. In addition, the temperature may rise and there is pain in the right side. If urine is of normal color, then we exclude hepatitis and look for another reason.

Influenza also can provoke a light feces of a gray hue. In this case, the child has a high fever, diarrhea, nausea, lack of appetite, general weakness. By the way, discoloration of the stool can also be the result of taking medications for the flu - antipyretic, antiviral.

A sign that the child can have a light yellow feces? If in this case the bowel movements have a strong malodorous smell, then the child has digestion. Such symptoms are typical for chronic pancreatitis, i.e. inflammation of the pancreas. This malaise is not common in children, but it happens. The kid can suffer from severe pain in the left hypochondrium, in the upper abdomen, in the navel and even in the back.

The normal color of the stool is due to the pigment, which is excreted with bile. If the baby has a bilious bend at birth , then the outflow of bile is broken, and, accordingly, the color of the stool becomes light.

But most often there can be no reasons for worry. If the child has a light feces, but no temperature, then remember that your baby was eating. If he took fatty foods, ate a lot of sweet foods or foods with a high calcium content (for example, home-made cottage cheese, sour cream), then you can calm down - this symptom is temporary and not dangerous.

So, we have examined, a sign of what can be light feces in a child. The reason for urgently calling a doctor is such accompanying symptoms: darkening of the urine, a very frequent and loose stool, abdominal pain, high fever, and also vomiting and weakness.