Pancreatic necrosis: diet

Pancreatic necrosis is a complication arising from chronic and acute pancreatitis. This is precisely the most terrible thing that conceals in itself the inflammation of the pancreas - the necrosis of the pancreatic tissues, as well as all the nerve endings and blood vessels surrounding the parenchyma. With pancreatic necrosis (during an attack of digestive enzyme release on its own membrane), the patient experiences a cutting pain, acute, just unbearable.

In the emergence of pancreatic necrosis there are food prerequisites - this is a failure to comply with a diet for pancreatitis, consumption of fatty, alcoholic, fried, acute. Therefore, even before the operation (which in this disease is imminent), the therapy of pancreatic necrosis is started with a diet.

Before and after surgery

Before the operation is assigned a "zero" diet - the patient does not eat and does not drink, he injects solutions of glucose, amino acids, fats directly into the blood. This is done so that the diseased organ ceases to produce enzymes that destroy the parenchyma.

The diet after the operation of pancreatic necrosis is also "zero". Starting from the fifth day after surgery, the patient begins to give himself to drink - about 4 glasses of water, broth of rose hips. If deterioration is not observed, after 2 days you can start eating on a 5-P diet. At first, it's a fresh food without fat and salt, then, the ration widens a little.

Menu diet for pancreatic necrosis

The diet menu for pancreatic necrosis will become a regular, permanent and unchangeable way of life for the patient. Alcohol, overeating, spicy, fried, fatty foods should be ruled out forever.


Alas, a diet with pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas can also go on to a diet with diabetes. The fact is that the most frequent complication of pancreatic necrosis is pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus . With necrosis, enzymes often break down cells responsible for producing insulin, so the patient's condition can be complicated by diabetes.

Food for the patient should be warm, not hot, and not cold. Cooking should be without oil, spices, salt. Milk and butter (up to 10 grams a day!) Can be added to ready-made meals, and salt (up to 2 grams a day!) At a minimum.