Neck hurts

The reasons for the pain in the neck are large, and the consequence is one - a constant sense of stiffness, which does not allow us to normally perform quite ordinary actions. It is impossible neither to communicate normally with people, as it is necessary to turn to the interlocutor all body, or to do the elementary house affairs.

Why can the neck hurt?

Feeling unpleasant sensations, each of us reflects, why the neck hurts, after all the obvious reasons for that can and not be. In fact, there are many pitfalls that are cause for poor health.

  1. Do you spend a lot of time watching the TV shows, sitting at the computer for a long time, do not get up for several hours because of the desktop? It is likely that the cause of pain in the neck is osteochondrosis, the so-called malaise of a civilized way of life. It is characterized by difficulty in turning the head, burning in the back of the head and between the shoulder blades, aching neck pains, sometimes giving up in the fingers. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, do not rush to run to the drugstore for medicines. To begin with, try to adjust your lifestyle - engage in morning exercises, stop smoking and give preference to healthy food.
  2. If the neck hurts after sleeping, carefully take a closer look at the place of your rest. To ensure that the natural curves of the body are not deformed, your pillow should be low and not too soft, so that it does not fall head. The mattress is needed moderately hard and, of course, even. Those who are accustomed to sleeping on their stomachs will be upset to learn that their favorite position is also causing pain in the neck.
  3. Sometimes it happens that in a stationary state the discomfort is not felt at all, but if you just turn your head, how sharp pain in your neck does not make you wait. The cause may be trauma, pinching of the nerve or stretching of the muscles, the consequence - dizziness, weakness, difficulty swallowing. The best remedy for such pain in the neck will be an ice pack or an alternative to it - a hot shower. You can also take an analgesic medicine that will relieve muscle spasms.
  4. When the neck hurts because of an elementary overstrain, a massage that can be done at any time is an elementary way to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Take a warming ointment and smooth massaging movements, blur the aching area.
  5. The pain in the neck from the fact that it was blown quite a frequent problem of drivers. The slightly opened window of the car, from which a harmless warm breeze comes, can cause sharp pains. The most effective way, which will help to remove unpleasant sensations - a compress. Wet gauze with vodka, attach to the neck, top cover first with an oilcloth, then cotton wool and wrap with a warm kerchief. Leave a compress at night or lie down for at least 3-4 hours, the effect does not take long to wait.

How to get rid of neck pain?

An effective remedy for neck pain was suggested to me by my grandmother. Her recipe is simple, but requires some time to prepare. The scheme is this: take four bubbles of camphor alcohol (40 grams), a tablespoon of ground red pepper and one jar (250 g) of medical bile. All this is mixed, poured into a container of dark glass and infused for seven days. After a week, the medicine is ready for use. In order to protect the skin from burns, a painful area impregnated with vegetable oil is first applied to the sore spot, and then the mixture itself. From above all this is covered with cellophane, then cotton and finally, wrapped in a scarf. The compress is held for two hours, and full recovery comes after two or three procedures. All sharp pains in the neck as a hand removes.

If shooting pain in the neck, despite all the attempts at treatment, does not go away, it is worth talking to the doctor. The cause may be cervical radiculitis - squeezing the roots of the spinal cord. In order to reduce the burden on the cervical vertebrae, the doctor will impose a cervical bandage, and also prescribe anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs.