Ants with wings in the house - how to get rid?

If the entomologists are industrious insects, admirers, sometimes ordinary people are fighting merciless wars with these small invaders. But sometimes the invasion is carried out by an insect, very similar to an ant with wings, causing the owners to shudder. A special kind of this creation are not, they are males and females, who need to fly in the mating season. The females are then discarded by the wings, and their partners are destroyed by relatives who do not want to feed excess mucus in the anthill after the mating process is completed. New winged individuals will appear only for the next season.

How to get rid of ants with wings?

  1. Prevention against ants .
  2. Do not leave crumbs and debris in sight, sweep in time or vacuum the floor. Banks from under sweet foods hide especially carefully. Keep food in an airtight container. Kopatte slits and holes, which are the moves for scouts. Seal them with silicone, apply glue. The soap solution kills well the chemical traces that insects leave. That ants with wings in the house do not settle, dangerous barriers are created from cleaning powders, baby powders, cinnamon, turmeric, vaseline, citrus oil, various kinds of ground pepper.

  3. Aromatic means against an ant.
  4. These insects do not like some odoriferous substances. Here is a short list of available ingredients:

  • Baits.
  • If the house accidentally wound up ants with wings, then install the bait. Make them simple. In a saucer, pour a little bit of sweet water or fruit syrup, and around it pour a barrier of boric acid.

  • Finished funds.
  • If you do not know how to get rid of ants with wings in the house, then the last resort will be insecticides - gels for the destruction of insects (DEADEX, Sturm Trap, Globol, Anteater and others), powders and granulated products (Antimuravei, Rembek), various sprays.