Symptoms of rabies in humans

Rabies is one of the most dangerous viral infectious diseases with an absolute fatal outcome. Treatment is still not invented, but so far the symptoms of rabies after the bite of a dog or other animal have not had time to manifest themselves, an increased chance of saving a person can be urgently vaccinated. Let us consider in more detail how to behave in this case.

Features of the disease

Rabies, the symptoms of which appear not immediately after infection, are caused by the virus Rabies virus - it is contained in the saliva of the sick animal. The virus multiplies in the human nerve cells and is carried over them rather slowly - 3 mm per hour. Most often, the incubation period is 1-3 months, rarely - up to six months.

Thus, the first symptoms of rabies in a person do not manifest immediately after the bite, and it is worth remembering. Even despite the well-being and healing wound, the probability of infection with a deadly virus is, therefore, it is necessary in the first hours after the incident with the animal to go to the nearest clinic for the vaccine.

The virus causes inflammation of the brain and irreversible changes in it. Modern medicine knows only 9 cases of recovery from rabies, the symptoms of which occur in 55 000 people annually and lead to death.

The first symptoms of rabies

If a person has been bitten by a sick dog, cat or wild animal (fox, jackal, skunk, bat, wolf, etc.), and urgent vaccination was not performed, after the incubation period the symptoms of rabies infestation become apparent, which are differentiated into three stages :

  1. The site of the bite hurts, even if the wound has healed. Body temperature rises to 37.2-37.3 ° C, insomnia, anxiety, depression.
  2. The patient is "afraid" of water and the slightest wind - when these appear, muscle spasms are noted, a throat spasm only at the sight of water or food. The patient is sensitive to light, noise and any irritants, feels a sense of fear, hallucinations, raves, becomes aggressive and violent.
  3. Paralysis of the extremities, eye muscles and respiratory organs develops, which leads to death.

For each stage there are 1-4 days, and the whole period of the course of the disease is 5-8 days, sometimes slightly more.

Another characteristic symptom of infection with rabies in humans is copious salivation, and a trickle of saliva constantly runs down the chin.

First aid

So, the dog's bite does not immediately lead to symptoms of rabies, but this is not a reason for careless treatment of the problem. The wound should be washed immediately with soap and treated with medical alcohol. Then you need to visit the nearest medical facility without delay and tell the doctor about what happened.

To prevent the development of the disease, anti-rabies vaccination is given - six injections: on the day of the bite (or at the medical center), on days 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90. If the attacking animal remains alive within 10 days, then the injections are canceled.

The earlier a person bitten by a dog turns for help, the more chances to overcome the virus.

The probability of developing symptoms of rabies in a person is affected by the circumstances of the bite: if it is shallow (through clothes), and there was profuse bleeding, the virus could not get into the body. Especially dangerous if the animal has bitten by the head, genitals, hands - in these areas most nerve endings.

Prevention of disease

To avoid infection with the virus, it is necessary to vaccinate pets. This problem is especially relevant for hunters: vaccinate dogs and beware of biting wild animals.

Dogs are more aggressive. Sick cats, as a rule, are hammered in a secluded place (under the sofa, in the basement) and attack a person only when they try to get them out.