Apple blossoms are the best methods of fighting

With the advent of warm days, not only plants awaken, but also various garden pests, including one of the most common - apple blossoms. In order not to lose the harvest of apples, it is necessary in spring to take all necessary measures to destroy it.

What does an apple blossom look like?

If you see a small brownish-gray beetle with white stripes on the back of the tree, then there is a dangerous pest in your garden - apple blossom. The body of the insect is about 5 mm long. On the head of the beetle there is a long proboscis ending in a gnawing apparatus, for which the insect is called a weevil. The larva, which looks like a small caterpillar, has a black head, and its body looks like the letter C. For wintering, Cvetoids use fallen leaves or the bark of trees.

Sometimes it happens that the adult apple tree ceases to blossom. An attentive horticulturist can find in the flower buds of an apple or pear a female cvethopoda, laying eggs there. In total, it can lay about 100 eggs. A week later, larvae begin to feed on future flowers. In the damaged bud, the larva turns into a pupa, from which a weevil beetle is formed. Adult cvetods eat up the ovary and foliage on the tree. These insects can destroy most of the crop, so fighting with apple blossoms is very important.

Apple blossoms - how to recognize a pest?

In the early spring, when the air temperature rises no higher than +6 ° C, the beetles tend to creep, feed on swelling buds, and how to pierce them. From these wounds appears clear juice, and it seems that the kidneys are "crying". And when the time of flowering comes, the flowers of the apple tree can be dried up. These characteristics are evidence that the tree is affected by apple blossoms. Spring processing of trees is a reliable protection of the apple tree from the cvetohod.

How to deal with the apple blossom folk remedies?

We must begin to destroy the weevil before it begins to show activity. To destroy the apple blossom you can use folk methods of struggle:

Preparations from cvetoeda on apple

Weevil is able to cause significant harm to fruit trees. Often he leaves without harvest apples of all gardeners in the neighborhood. Therefore, methods of combating apple blossoms by folk remedies can not cope with the invasion of this beet completely. And here the chemical means of fighting the weevil can come to the rescue. Destroy adult beetles should be in the period of bud budding on trees. After harvesting, a re-treatment should be carried out, which will reduce the number of florets before they go on hibernation.

Than to treat apple-trees from tsvetogoda?

If you are interested in how to deal with the flowerhead on the apple tree, you should know that there are several effective insecticides for this:

When to spray apple-trees from color-flowers?

It is very important to timely process fruit trees from apple blossoms. This period of bud blossoming does not last long, only 5-7 days. And if you do not have time to just at this time to sprinkle apples, then later your efforts will not have the expected effect. Experts recommend alternating chemical agents to combat this pest: this year, use, for example, a means of apple blossom Decis, and the next - Carbophos or Kinmiks.