Daffodils - planting in autumn

It is impossible to imagine spring without tulips and daffodils. Many growers believe that it is very easy to grow them. But it is not so. There are secrets in these processes, one of which is landing.

After all, if you know how to properly plant daffodils in the fall, then on your site these white beauties will blossom.

Autumn planting of daffodils

It is very important in this case to select a good planting material, to choose the right time, a suitable place and to lay it on the optimum depth. If you do everything right, the result will certainly please.

Selection of planting material

Before the autumn planting, each bulb must be inspected. Leave only the healthiest of them. In addition to the presence of obvious signs of disease, you still need to check its density. If there are minor damages on the daffodil, they can be carefully removed and sprinkled with activated charcoal.

Selected bulbs before planting are treated with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate or "Hom" preparation.

Planting time for daffodil bulbs in autumn

Due to the fact that after the summer, the most intensive growth starts at the roots of the bulbs, which promotes good absorption of nutrients from the soil, this time of year is optimal for their planting. Namely the first half of September. You can also focus on the weather. After a temperature of + 8-10 ° C lasted for 2 weeks, you can safely proceed.

Planting daffodils in autumn at this time is more successful than in spring. This is due to the fact that after the winter the plant simply does not have enough strength to take root well.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Depending on the variety of narcissus, it can be planted on both sunny and shaded areas. The second option is suitable for varieties prone to burn-out, for example: with a bright core crown.

It is easiest to grow this spring flower in a sufficiently nutritious loamy soil with neutral acidity. But with the proper preparation of the land, they can grow on any.

It is necessary to study the area of ​​your flower garden on which you planned to plant daffodils in about a month, that is, in late July or early August. To do this, we dig the soil to a depth of 35 cm and apply fertilizers:

These proportions are calculated for 1 m & sup2 of land. These fertilizers will help not only to take root well on the bulbs, but will also promote more intensive flowering.

In hard soil it is recommended to add some more sand. This will help avoid swampiness and decay of the bulbs. In addition to applying fertilizing, the site must be cleaned of weeds. After the work done, level the top layer of the soil and cover with a plastic wrap for a month.

How deep can you plant daffodils?

The distance to which the flower bulbs will have to be laid directly depends on the size of the planting material, the climate and the type of soil in this place.

For all plants multiplying by bulbs, the rule is that when planting from the planting material there should be two of its heights above it. Using average data of daffodil dimensions, it was calculated, that for large bulbs the depth of planting in autumn should be 20 cm, and for small bulbs - 10 cm.

Planting daffodils

In the prepared soil we deepen the bulbs to the required distance. Between them it will be necessary to withstand an interval of 10-12 cm. After this, the place of planting is mulched with humus or peat. This will not only be an additional fertilizing in the spring, but will protect the flower from the daffodil. After frosts come, we cover with straw or dry leaves.

Narcissus refers to hardy plants, so if you plant it wrong, it will not go away, but it will not be good to bloom later.